Identify the correct spelling of the word.
This is the place that _______
She is brave. Her brother is more brave.
Select the most suitable sentence with respect to grammar and usage.
When a four digit number is divided by 65, it leaves a remainder of 29. If the same number is divided by 13, the remainder would be______
I was ___ ___ for the bus and then I ___ sight of Craig passing by.
– digit number greater than 5000 are randomly formed from the digits 0, 2, 3, 5 and 7. The probability of forming a number divisible by 5 when the digits are repeated is ______
It is theoretically possible that bacteria developed on Venus early in its history and that some were carried to Earth by a meteorite. However, strains of bacteria from different planets would probably have substantial differences in protein structure that would persist over time, and no two bacterial strains on Earth are different enough to have arisen on different planets. So, even if bacteria did arrive on Earth from Venus, they must have died out.
The argument is most vulnerable to which of the following criticisms?
A man sells three articles A, B, C and gains 10% on A, 20% on B and loses 10% on C. He breaks even when combined selling prices of A and C are considered, whereas he gains 5% when combined selling prices of B and C are considered. What is his net loss or gain on the sale of all the articles?
Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the above graph?
DRQP is a small square of side a in the corner of a big square ABCD of side A. What is the ratio of the area of the quadrilateral PBRQ to that of the square ABCD, given A/a = 3?
Then the product of the eigen values of B is________
If 'k' is the number of states of the NFA, how many states will the DFA simulating NFA have?
A complete graph is a graph in which each pair of graph vertices is connected by an edge. The chromatic number of a complete graph having 100 vertices is _______.
A processor has 128 distinct instructions. A 24-bit instruction word has an opcode, register, and operand. The number of bits available for the operand field is 7. The maximum possible value of the general-purpose register is ______.
Which of the following expressions is equivalent to A.B+A′.B+A′.B′ ?
Consider the following C function.
int strg(char *str)
static int temp=0;
return temp;
What is the output of strg(abcabcbb)?
The probability of a shooter hitting the target is 1/3 and three shots at the bull’s eye are needed to win the game. What could be the least number of shots for the shooter to give him more than half chance of winning the game?
Suppose a circular queue of capacity n elements is implemented using an array. Circular queue uses REAR and FRONT as array index variables, respectively. Initially, REAR = FRONT = -1. The queue is initially full with 5 elements i.e. 1 2 3 4 5. After that 3 dequeue operations are performed. What is the condition to insert an element in to the above queue?
Which of the following is/are correct inorder traversal sequence(s) of binary search tree?
1. 5, 2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 1, 10
2. 10, 15, 16, 23, 38, 56, 89
3. 3, 7, 9, 16, 67, 88, 98
4. 7, 1, 8, 56, 34, 66, 45
Consider the propagation delay along the bus and through the ALU is 35 ns and 120 ns respectively. It takes 18 ns for a register to copy data from the bus. The total time required to transfer data from one register to another is ______ ns
Consider the following set of statements:
S1: Given a context-free language, there is a Turing machine which will always halt in the finite amount of time and give answer whether language is ambiguous or not.
S2: Given a CFG and input alphabet, whether CFG will generate all possible strings of input alphabet (∑*) is undecidable.
S3: Consider three decision problems P1, P2 and P3. It is known that P1 is decidable and P2 is undecidable. P3 is undecidable if P2 is reducible to P3.
Which of the given statements is true?
Consider a relation A with n elements. What is the total number of relations which can be formed on A which are irreflexive?
In the IPV4 addressing format, the 214 number of networks allowed under ______.
What is the output of following C code?
#include <stdio.h>
#define MUL(x) (x * x)
int main( )
int i=4;
int p,q;
p= MUL(i++);
q = MUL(++i);
printf("%d", p + q);
return 0;
Consider a disk pack with 8 surfaces, 128 tracks per surface, 128 sectors per track and 512 bytes per sector. The number of bits required to address the sector is ______.
Consider the implementation of Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm on a weighted graph G(V, E) with no negative edge. If this algorithm is implemented to find the shortest path between all pair of nodes, the complexity of the algorithm in a worst-case is ______.
Consider the two cascaded 2-to-1 multiplexers as shown in the figure:
The minimal sum of products form of the output X is
In a TCP connection the size of the available buffer space in the receiver is 8 and senders window size is 2. The size of the congestion window is ________.
Consider two weighted complete graph G1 and G2 on the vertex set V1, V2, V3,…, V5 such that weight of the edge (Vi, Vj) is min(i,j) for the first graph and max(i,j) for the second graph respectively. The difference between the weight of a minimum spanning tree of G1 and G2 is ______.
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55 docs|215 tests