Choose the most approximate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.If I had known that you were coming, I _______ you at the airport
Choose the most approximate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.
I believe in the _____ of positive thinking thus always recommend these books to my clients.
Consider a circle of radius r. Fit the largest possible square inside it and the largest possible circle inside the square. What is the radius of the innermost circle?
A bird files along the three sides of a field in the shape of an equilateral triangle at speeds of 3, 6, 8 km/hr respectively. The average speed of the bird is
Choose the most appropriate words from the options given below to fill in the blanks.
She was ______ to travel abroad and _____ in the field of commerce as per her wishes.
In a 1600 m race around a circular track of length 400 m, the faster runner and the slowest runner meet at the end of the sixth minute, for the first time after the start of the race. All the runners maintain uniform speed throughout the race. If the faster runner runs at twice the speed of the slowest runner. Find the time taken by the faster runner to finish the race.
Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair:
Horse: Foal
Read the following passage and find out the inference stated through passage.
Juvenile delinquency is also termed as Teenage Crime. Basically, juvenile delinquency refers to the crimes committed by minors. These crimes are committed by teenagers without any prior knowledge of how it affects the society. These kind of crimes are committed when children do not know much about outside world.
Which of the following Inferences is correct with respect to above passage?
If n and y are positive integers and 450 y = n³, which of the following must be an integer?
The graph shows cumulative frequency % of research scholars and the number of papers published by them. Which of the following statements is true?
Consider the following system of equations in three real variables x, y, z.
2x – 3y + 7z = 5
3x + y – 3z = 13
2x + 19y – 47z = 32
The system of equation has
One of the addresses in a block is, the third octet (in decimal) of the first IP address in the block is _______.
What is the output of the following C code:
int main( )
int p=8,q=-3,r=0;
int x,y,z;
x = p && q && r ;
y = p || q && r ;
z = p && q || r ;
printf ( "%d", x+y+z ) ;
return 0;
Consider two relational schemas:
emp(ID, name, address, phone number, deptID)
department(ID, managerID, deptname, location)
What does the following relational expression perform?
Let q, r, and s represent “You can ride the roller coaster,” “You are under 4 feet tall,” and “You are older than 16 years old,” respectively. What is the logical expression for “You cannot ride the roller coaster if you are under 4 feet tall unless you are older than 16 years old"
A continuous random variable, X is distributed in interval 0 – 10. The probability, P(x = 2) is ______
In a compiler, a lexical analyzer
Let L be the set of all strings generated by the regular automata over input alphabet {x,y}. The minimum number of states in a minimal DFA that accepts all the strings of length not more than 250 is ________.
A process executes the following code.
void main()
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++)
for(int j = 0; j<5; j++)
Find the number of times ‘Hello’ will be printed.
Bob wants people to know his public key but at the same time, he wants no one to accept a forged key as his. He decides to create a public key certificate. He goes to Certificate Authority(CA) where CA asks for Bob’s ______ key and signs the certificate with his _______ key.
Consider the following functions:
f1(a, b, c) = Ʃm(0, 1, 3, 5) + d(2, 4)
f2(a, b, c) = Ʃm(1, 6) + d(2, 3, 5)
How many functions are possible for f1 + f2?
Consider the statement
i = i + 1;
While(a[i] < b);
The minimum number of variables required in three address code of the above statement is _____.
Which of the following are one of the maximal and minimal elements respectively of the poset ({2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 20, 25}, /)
The post order traversal of a binary search tree is given by 25, 30, 20, 45, 60, 50, 40, 35. The pre order traversal of this tree will be given by:
Consider the following weighted graph. Bellman-Ford algorithm is implemented on the given graph with source P. The shortest distance from source P to vertex T is ______.
In a TCP connection, the client closes the connection using three-way handshaking. The client TCP sends the last segment an ack segment with an acknowledgment no. 2164. What is the value of sequence number in FIN + ACK segment sent by server TCP? Assume that there is no data transfer between client and server TCP.
Consider the following languages:
I. {ambn | m = 3n + 1, where m,n >=0}
II. {ap | p is a prime number}
III. {aibj | i ≠ 5j, where i,j>=0}
IV. {w | w Є {a,b}, na(w) = nb(w) + 1}
Which of the above languages are context free?
Consider a FAT-based file system which is stored on a disk of 900 GB. The data block size is 45000 bytes. The total overhead in each entry is 6 bytes in size. The maximum size of a file that can be stored on this disk is ______ MB
The chromatic number of a planar graph is not greater than ________
Consider the following grammar:
Find the value of first(P) and follow(Q)?
55 docs|215 tests
55 docs|215 tests