The ___________ is too high for it to be considered _________ .
A palindrome is a word that reads the same forwards and backwards. In a game of words, a player has the following two plates painters with letters
From the additional plates gives in the options, which one of the combinations of additional plates would allow the players to construct in five letter palindrome. The players should use all five plates exactly once. The plates can be rotated in their plane.
Let r be a root of the expression x2 + 2x + 6 = 0
Then the value of the expression (r + 2)(r + 3)(r + 4)(r + 5) is
A function y(x) is defined in the interval [0,1] on the x - axis as
Which one of the following is the area under the curve for the interval [0, 1] on the x –axis ?
Given below are four statements
Statement 1 : All students are inquisitive
Statement 2 : Some students are inquisitive
Statement 3 : No students are inquisitive
Statement 4 : Some students are not inquisitive
For the given four statements, find the statements what cannot be true, simultaneously, assuming that there is at least one student in the class
A box contains five balls of same size and shape. Three of them are green coloured balls and two of them are orange coloured balls. Balls are drawn from the box one at a time. If a green ball is drawn it is not replaced. If an orange ball is drawn it is replaced with another orange ball. First ball is drawn. What is the probability of getting an orange ball in the next drawn ?
Some people believe that “what gets measured, improves”. Some other believe that “what gets measured, gets gamed”. One possible reason for the difference in the beliefs is the work culture in organization. In organizations with good work culture, metrics help improve outcomes. However the same metrics are counterproductive in organizations with poor work culture.
Which one of the following is the correct logical inference based on the information in the above passage?
The corners and the mid point of a triangle are name using distinct letters P, Q, R, S , T and U but not necessarily in the same order. Consider the following statements
Which one of the following statements is correct based on the above information?
A plot of land must be divided between four families. They instant their individual plots to be similar in shape, not necessarily in area. The land has equally spaced placed marked as dots on the below figure. Two ropes R1 and R2 are already present and cannot be moved.
What is the least number of additional straight ropes needed to needs to divided plot ? A straight rope can pass through three poles that are aligned in a straight line
In a currently conducted National Entrance Test, Boys constituted 65% of those who appeared for the test. Girls constituted the remaining candidates and they accounted for 60% of the qualified candidates. Which one of the following is the correct logical inference based on the information provided in the above passage ?
Consider network with three routers P, Q, and R. All links have cost of unit, the routers exchange distance vector routing information & converge on routing tables. After some time link Q-R fails, assume P & Q send out routing update at random time, each at same average rate. The probability of routing loop form (Rounded off to one decimal place) between P & Q leading to count to infinity problem is_____.
Consider a 100 Mbps link between an earth station (sender) and a satellite (receiver) at an altitude of 2100 km. The signal propagates at a speed of 3 x 108 m/s. The time taken (in milliseconds runoff to 2 decimal places) for the receiver to completely receive a packet of 1000 bytes transmitted by the sender is _____.
What is the minimum number of bits required for sequence number field in a TCP connection to send maximum segment life time of 60 sec if the bandwidth of connection is 1 Gbps, without wrap around time.
In given table
The route aggregation is applied over above table what will be the subnet – ID/mask in aggregated router?
Consider an enterprise network with two Ethernet segments, a web server and a firewall, connected via three routers shown below:-
What is the number of subnets in the enterprise network?
Consider a resolution of domain name by a DNS resolver. Assume that no records are called anywhere across the DNS servers and the iterative query resolution mechanism is used in the resolution. The number of DNS query response pairs involved in completely resolving the domain name is ____.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
Consider the following grammar along with translation rules:
S → S1 # T {S. val = S1. val* T. val}
S → T {S. val = T. val}
T + T ,%R (T. val = T1 val ÷ R. val)
T → R {T. val = R. val}
R → id {R. val = id. val}
Using translation rules, the computed value of the S.val for the expression 20 #10%5 # 8%2%2 is ______.
Consider the augmented grammar with {+,*,(,),id} as the set of terminals.
S ' → S.
S → S+R| R
R → R*P| P
P → (S) | id
If I0 is the set of two LR(0) items {[S' → S.] , [S → S. + R]} , then goto (Closure (I0 , ), + ) contains exactly _____ items.
A code memory that has a hit rate of 0.8 has an access latency 10 ns and miss penalty 100 ns. An optimization is done on the cache to reduce the miss rate. However the optimization results in an increase of cache access latency to 15 ns, whereas the miss penalty is not affected. The minimum hit rate needed after the optimization such that it should not increase the average memory access time is _____
Consider 2 kB direct mapped cache, 64 Byte block size 64 kB main memory and 16 bit word size, CPU access words P, Q, R and S respectively 10 times i.e. (P Q R S). Starting address of first byte of P, Q, R and S is respectively.
P = A248, Q = CA8A, R = C28A, S = A262
Which of the following is/are true (initially cache is empty)
Consider processor x1 with 5 stage standard RISC pipeline with 2 GHz clock frequency. It requires one clock cycle without any pipeline dependency A program consist of 30% branch instruction, control hazards results in 2 clock cycles. Another pipeline x2 with same clock cycle frequency uses branch prediction unit with 80 % efficiency. If prediction is correct then no stall is created and if prediction is wrong then no effect in number of stalls. There is no data hazard or structure hazard in the pipeline what is the speed up achieved using x2 and x1.
Which facilitates transfer of bulk data from HDD to main memory with highest throughout?
Let WB and WT be 2 set associative cache organizations that use LRU algorithm for cache block replacement. WB is Write Back cache and WT is Write through cache. Winch of the following statements are false?
Which of the following statements is are true?
L1 = {ww|w∈ (a, b*)}
L2 = {anbncm|m, n ≥ 0}
L3 = {ambncn| m, n ≥ 0}
Which of the following statements are false?
Which of the following is/are undecidable?
Which one of the following regular expressions correctly represents the language of the finite automaton given below?
Consider language
Note ωR is reversal of string ω which is true?
The value of the given limit is ____