Directions(Q1-Q30): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 'D'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
Q. We discussed about the problem so thoroughly / on the eve of the examination / that I found it very easy to work it out / No error.
An Indian ship / laden with merchandise / got drowned in the Pacific Ocean / No error.
I could not put up in a hotel / because the boarding and lodging charges / were exorbitant / No errors.
The Indian radio / which was previously controlled by the British rulers / is free now from the narrow vested interests / No error.
If I had known / this yesterday / I will have helped him / No error.
A lot of travel delay is caused / due to the inefficiency and lack of good management / on behalf of the railways / No error.
One of the members / expressed doubt if / the Minister was an atheist / No error.
I have got / my M.Sc. degree / in 1988 / No error.
Having recived your letter / this moring, we are writing / to thank you for the same / No errors.
If you lend him a book / he will lend it to some one else / and never you will get it back / No error.
According to the Bible / it is meek and humble / who shall inherit the earth / No error.
Do the roses in your garden smell / more sweetly / than those in ours? / No error
Block of Residential flats / are coming up / near our houses / No error.
The stuents were / awating for / the arrival of the chief guest / No error.
Sixty miles / are / a good distance / No error.
They have been / very close friends / until they quarrelled / No error.
When the dentist came in / my thooth was stopped acing / out of fear that I might loose my tooth / No error.
It is the duty of every citizzen to do his utmost / to defend the hardly-won / freedom of the country / No error.
No sooner did I open the door / When the rain, heavy and stormy, rushed in / Making us shiver from head to foot / No error
If a man diligently seeks to come into the contact / with the best that has been thought and said in this world / he will become simple and unselfish / No error.
You must / remember me / to post this letter / No error.
The man told to her / that he had not brought his dog / out for a walk as he was afraid that it would rain / No error.
On the busy Ring Road / we witnessed a collusion / between a truck and an auto / No error.
He couldn't but help / shedding tears at the plight of the villagers / rendered homeless by a devastating cyclone / No error.
He will certainly help you / if you will ask him / in a pleasant / No error.
The brand proposition now, therefore, had to be that Keokarpin Antiseptic Cream is more effective / because it penetrates deep down (being light and non-sticky) and works from within / (because of its ayurvedic ingredients) to keep skin blemish, free, and helps cope with cuts nicks, burns, and nappy rash. / No error.
Will you please buy / some jaggery for me / if you go to the market? / No error.
Most of the members at the meeting felt / hat the group appointed for investigating the case / were not competent to do the job efficiently / No error.
In these days of inflation / a ten rupee's note will not buy you / even an ordinary meal. / No error.
He persisted / to do it / in spite of my advice / No error.
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