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REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - REET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test REET Level 2 Mock Test Series 2025 - REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science)

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) for REET 2025 is part of REET Level 2 Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) questions and answers have been prepared according to the REET exam syllabus.The REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) MCQs are made for REET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) below.
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REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 1

Ashok is very fond of playing cricket and is very good at it. He is the captain of his college team. He spends long hours playing or watching cricket and never gets tired or bored. Which personal factor is affecting learning in this example?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 1

Learning is a process by which the individual acquires various habits, knowledge, and attitude that are necessary to meet the demands of life in general. There are different factors that affect learning.
These include learner-centered factors like motivation, needs, self-concept, interests, goals, level of aspiration, etc., teacher and task-related factors such as teaching style, classroom ethos, transactional skills, and methodology, etc., and environmental factors such as the physical and psychological structures in which learning occurs.
Ashok is very fond of playing cricket and he is very good at it too. He is the captain of his college team. He spends long hours playing or watching cricket and never gets tired or bored. Motivation and personal factors is affecting learning in this example.

  • Ashok is intrinsically motivated i.e. he derives internal satisfaction from the game. Intrinsic motivation is closely related to one's need for self-fulfillment, and achievement.
  • These needs impel us to become better by learning more, interacting with our environment, and developing ourselves.
  • Learning is most effective when there is intrinsic motivation - a desire to learn from within, which finds satisfaction in the achievement itself and does not bother about other factors.

Thus, it is concluded motivation is the personal factor that affects learning in the given an example.
Maturation: A one-year-old cannot be made to write and a three months old child cannot walk. Unless the learner has 'matured' optimally, he cannot learn. In order for learning to take place, physical, intellectual, and socio-emotional maturation is essential. Also, individual variations in the process of maturation should be acknowledged and appropriately dealt with.
Self-concept: Self-concept is very important in matters of learning because it influences individual differences in learners, in their, learning orientations, cognitive styles, and the self-learning strategies which they use.
Level of aspiration: This refers to the extent to which an individual wish to strive to achieve. It emanates from the targets, goals, and ambitions that individuals construct for themselves.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 2

The understanding typically develops during early infancy that an object still exists even when it disappears from the sight or other senses is known as-

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 2

Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, has made a systematic study of cognitive development in his theory that is categorized into four stages. 

  • He observed his children and their process of making sense of the world around them and developed a model of how the mind processes new information encountered.
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 3

In the constructivist frame, the child is viewed as

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 3

The constructivist frame/perspective is based on the idea that meaningful learning takes place when learners actively construct their own knowledge.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 4

What is/are the functions of the School Management Committee as per the Right to Education Act, 2009?
i) To monitor the working of the school
ii) To monitor the utilization of grants
iii) To prepare the school development plan

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 4

According to the Right to Education Act 2009, the school management committee is prepared. This committee monitors the utilization of grants, prepares the school development plan, and monitors the working of schools. School management committees have 50% women members from the disadvantaged groups of the community.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 5

नाटक शिक्षण खेल-खेल में भाषा कौशल को सीखने का माध्यम है। नाटक शिक्षण:

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 5

नाटक शिक्षण खेल-खेल में भाषा कौशल को सीखने का माध्यम है। नाटक शिक्षण उपरोक्त सभी से संबंधित है।
नाटक- जो रचना श्रवण के द्वारा ही नही अपितु दृष्टि के द्वारा भी दर्शकों के हृदय में रसानुभूती कराती है, उसे नाटक कहते हैं। नाटक में संवाद अदायगी सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है। 

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 6

निर्देश: कविता को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनिए।
जब नहीं था इन्सान
धरती पर थे जंगल
जंगली जानवर, परिंदे
इन्हीं सबके बीच उतरा इन्सान
और घटने लगे जंगल
जंगली जानवर, परिंदे
इन्सान बढ़ने लगा बेतहाशा
अब कहाँ जाते जंगल,
जंगली जानवर, परिंदे
प्रकृति किसी के साथ
नहीं करती नाइन्साफ़ी
सभी के लिए बनाती है जगह सो अब
इन्सानों के भीतर उतरने लगे हैं
जंगल, जंगली जानवर
और परिंदे

Q. ‘अब कहाँ जाते जंगल’ का भाव है कि:

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 6

कविता के अनुसार "अब कहाँ जाते जंगल" का भाव  जंगलों को काटने एवं उन्हें नष्ट करने की बात कहीं गयी है। जब इंसान बढ़ने लगे तो वे जंगल को कटाने लगे जिससे जंगली जानवर घटने लगे।

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 7

निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर उसके आधार पर दिए गए प्रश्नों) के उत्तर के लिए सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनिए :
विनम्रता का यह कथन बहुत ठीक है कि विनम्रता के बिना स्वतंत्रता का कोई अर्थ नहीं। इस बात को सब लोग मानते हैं कि आत्मसंस्कार के लिए थोड़ी बहुत मानसिक स्वतंत्रता परमावश्यक है – चाहे उस स्वतंत्रता में अभिमान और नम्रता दोनों का मेल हो और चाहे वह नम्रता ही से उत्पन्न हो। यह बात तो निश्चित है कि जो मनुष्य मर्यादापूर्वक जीवन व्यतीत करना चाहता है उसके लिए वह गुण अनिवार्य है, जिससे आत्मनिर्भरता आती है और जिससे अपने पैरों के बल खड़ा होना आता है। युवा को यह सदा स्मरण रखना चाहिए कि वह बहुत कम बातें जानता है, अपने ही आदर्श से वह बहुत नीचे है और उसकी आकांक्षाएँ उसकी योग्यता से कहीं बढ़ी हुई हैं। उसे इस बात का ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि वह अपने बड़ों का सम्मान करे, छोटे और बराबर वालों से कोमलता का व्यवहार करे, ये बातें आत्म-मर्यादा के लिए आवश्यक हैं। यह सारा संसार, जो कुछ हम हैं और जो कुछ हमारा है – हमारा शरीर, हमारी आत्मा, - हमारे कर्म, हमारे भोग, हमारे घर और बाहर की दशा हमारे बहुत से अवगुण, और थोड़े गुण सब इसी बात की आवश्यकता प्रकट करते हैं कि हमें अपनी आत्मा को नम्र रखना चाहिए। नम्रता से मेरा अभिप्राय दब्बूपन से नहीं है जिसके कारण मनुष्य दूसरों का मुँह ताकता है जिससे उसका संकल्प क्षीण और उसकी प्रज्ञा मंद हो जाती है, जिसके कारण बढ़ने के समय भी पीछे रहता है और अवसर पड़ने पर झट से किसी बात का निर्णय नहीं कर सकता। मनुष्य का बेड़ा उसके अपने ही हाथ में है, उसे वह चाहे जिधर ले जाए। सच्ची आत्मा वही है जो प्रत्येक दशा में प्रत्येक स्थिति के बीच अपनी राह आप निकालती है।

Q. 'स्वतंत्र' शब्द का विपरीतार्थक शब्द है -

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 7

'स्वतंत्र' शब्द का विपरीतार्थक शब्द है - 'परतंत्र'

  • स्वतंत्र - जो किसी के अधीन न हो, स्वाधीन, आज़ाद।
  • परतंत्र - जो दूसरे के वश में हो, पराधीन, अधीन ।
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 8

निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।
काल को हम बांध नहीं सकते। वह स्वत: नियंत्रित है, अबाध है। देवों का आह्वान करते हुए हम सकल कामना सिद्धि का संकल्प व्यक्त करते हुए और फिर विदा करते हुए कहते हैं- 'गच्छ-गच्छ सुरश्रेष्ठ पुनरागमनाय च'। जिसका अर्थ 'हे देव, आप स्वस्थान को तो जाएं, परंतु फिर आने के लिए' है। कितनी सकारात्मक हमारी संस्कृति है, जिसका मूल है- जो मानव मात्र के लिए हितकारी हो, कल्याणकारी हो, वह पुन:-पुन: हमारे जीवन में आए। गत वर्ष के लिए भी क्या ऐसी विदाई देना हमारे लिए संभव नहीं ? यह प्रश्न अनुत्तरित है। यह आना-जाना, आगमन-प्रस्थान सब क्या है ? एक उत्तर है कि ये काल द्वारा नियंत्रित क्रिया- प्रतिक्रियाएं हैं। जो आया है, वह जाएगा। फिर जो गया है, वह भी आएगा। यह हमारी संस्कृति की मान्यता है। हाल ही में एक विद्वान से उनके परिवार में हुई मृत्यु पर शोक संवेदना में कहा- 'गत आत्मा को शांति प्राप्त हो'। उन्होंने तुरंत ही टोकते हुए कहा- शांति प्राप्ति की बात तो पश्चिमी संस्कृति-सभ्यता की बात है। भारतीय परंपरा में तो उचित है- 'गत आत्मा को सद्गति प्राप्त हो'। इसके पीछे का गूढ़ भाव नए वर्ष के आगमन और पुराने वर्ष की विदाई की वेला को पूरी सार्थकता प्रदान करता है। शब्द और अर्थ मिलकर ही काल का, काल की गति का अर्थात् परिवर्तन का बोध कराते हैं।
काल (समय) निराकार है, अबूझ है। मानव ने समय को बांधने का बहुत प्रयास किया- पल, घड़ी, घंटा, दिन, सप्ताह, महीना, साल, मन्वन्तर... फिर भी समय कभी बंधा नहीं, कहीं ठहरता नहीं। 'कालोस्मि भरतर्षभ' कहकर कृष्ण ने काल की सार्वकालिक सत्ता को प्रतिपादित किया। इस सत्ता के आगे नत भाव से, साहचर्य के भाव से हम नया वर्ष मनाते हैं। काल ने जो दिया था, उसे स्वीकार करें और नए वर्ष में जो मिलेगा, उसको अंगीकार-स्वीकार करने के लिए हम पूरी तैयारी, पूरे जोश से तैयार रहें। इसी में पुरातन और नववर्ष के सन्धिकाल की सार्थकता है। यह सत्य है कि परिणाम पर मनुष्य का कोई नियंत्रण या दखल नहीं, पर नया साल भी पुराना होगा। इसलिए मनुष्य एक साल की अवधि के लिए अपने जीवन के कुछ नियामक लक्ष्य तो तय कर सकता है। नए साल का सूरज यही प्रेरणा लेकर आया है। जीवन के चरम लक्ष्य पीछे छूटते जा रहे हैं, खोते जा रहे हैं। ऐसे में नए वर्ष की शुरुआत अपने लक्ष्य निर्धारित करने का अच्छा अवसर है, आत्म निरीक्षण का अचूक मौका है यह। काल शाश्वत है। नए साल का आगमन और पुराने की विदाई यह हमारा कालबोध ही तो है। आगत का स्वागत भारतीय परम्परा के मूल में है। जो आया है, अतिथि है उसे अपना लो। काल के साथ, समय के साथ चलना मनुष्य की नियति है, परंतु काल के कपाल पर कुछ अंकित करने का संकल्प मनुष्य की जिजीविषा का मूल है।

Q. हमारा कालबोध क्या है?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 8

गद्यांश के अनुसार, "नए साल का आगमन और पुराने की विदाई यह हमारा कालबोध ही तो है। आगत का स्वागत भारतीय परम्परा के मूल में है।"

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 9

वृक्ष हों भले खड़े,
हों घने हों बड़े,
एक पत्र छाँह भी,
माँग मत, माँग मत, माँग मत,
अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ।
तू न थकेगा कभी,
तू न थमेगा कभी,
तू न मुड़ेगा कभी,
कर शपथ, कर शपथ, कर शपथ,
अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ।
यह महान दृश्य है,
चल रहा मनुष्य है,
अश्रु स्वेद रक्त से,
लथपथ लथपथ लथपथ,
अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ।
​उपर्युक्त पद्यांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए प्रश्न का उत्तर बताइए।

Q. इस कविता में बार-बार प्रयुक्त शब्द ‘अग्निपथ’ क्या है?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 9

इस कविता में बार-बार प्रयुक्त शब्द ‘अग्निपथ’ है- प्रतीक
पद्यांश के अनुसार-

  • कवि ने 'अग्नि पथ' जीवन के कठिनाई भरे रास्ते के प्रतीक के रूप में प्रयोग किया है।
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 10

हवा का ज़ोर वर्षा की झड़ी, झाड़ों का गिर पड़ना
कहीं गरजन का जाकर दूर सिर के पास फिर पड़ना
उमड़ती नदी का खेती की छाती तक लहर उठना
ध्वजा की तरह बिजली का दिशाओं में फहर उठना
ये वर्षा के अनोखे दृश्य जिसको प्राण से प्यारे
जो चातक की तरह ताकता है बादल घने कजरारे
जो भूखा रहकर, धरती चीरकर जग को खिलाता है
जो पानी वक्त पर आए नहीं तो तिलमिलाता है
अगर आषाढ़ के पहले दिवस के प्रथम इस क्षण में
वही हलधर अधिक आता है, कालिदास के मन में
तू मुझको क्षमा कर देना।
उपर्युक्त पद्यांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न का उत्तर बताइए।

Q. अगर समय पर बारिश न हो तो सबसे ज्यादा बेचैन कौन होता है?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 10

पद्यांश के अनुसार:

  • जो पानी वक्त पर आए नहीं तो तिलमिलाता है
    अगर आषाढ़ के पहले दिवस के प्रथम इस क्षण में
    वही हलधर अधिक आता है, कालिदास के मन में

इन पंक्तियों में हलधर से आशय है किसान। 
यदि वर्षा समय पर ना हो तो किसान बेचैन हो जाता है। 

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 11

Read the following passage carefully.
Discursive writing refers to a style of writing that presents a balanced argument by considering various points of view. This type of writing allows the writer to explore different perspectives and draw conclusions based on evidence and reasoning. Discursive writing provides an opportunity for the writer to critically analyze a topic and consider different perspectives. This style of writing can also be used to present a convincing argument and persuade the reader to accept a particular viewpoint. Additionally, discursive writing helps the writer to develop analytical skills and improves critical thinking abilities.
However, discursive writing can also have some disadvantages. One of the main challenges is finding credible sources of information to support one's arguments. In addition, it can be difficult to keep the writing objective and neutral, especially when dealing with controversial or sensitive topics. Moreover, discursive writing can become repetitive and monotonous if the writer focuses too much on presenting different perspectives without offering a conclusion. To effectively write a discursive essay, it is important to research the topic thoroughly and gather relevant information from credible sources. The writer should also aim to present a balanced argument by considering both sides of the issue. Additionally, the writer should focus on developing clear and well-structured paragraphs and use transitional words to guide the reader through the argument.
In conclusion, discursive writing is a valuable tool for exploring different perspectives and drawing well-reasoned conclusions. However, it is important to approach the task with care and consideration to ensure that the writing is objective and presents a balanced argument. With the right preparation and strategy, discursive writing can be an enjoyable and effective way to express one's opinions and thoughts on a particular topic.

Q. What is a synonym for the word "monotonous" as used in the passage?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 11
  • The word "monotonous"  refers to something that is dull, repetitive, or lacking in variety and interest.
    Example - A long drive on a straight, flat highway can be monotonous.
  • The word "Tedious" means too long, slow or tiresome.
    Example  - Manually copying a long list of names and addresses can be a tedious task.

Based on the given points, it is clear that monotonous and tedious 
Therefore, the correct answer is Option 2.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 12

Direction: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Some words may be highlighted for you. Pay careful attention.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX has been testing the Starlink satellite broadband service which boasts of a speed boost of around 300mbps and latency reduction to around 20ms. Musk confirmed the speed boost in response to a tweet by a user who received the Starlink broadband kit in the United States and shared a screenshot of the service offering them broadband speeds of 130mbps. "Speed will double to ~300Mb/s & latency will drop to ~20ms later this year," he said. During the beta testing phase, Starlink offered users a broadband speed between 50mbps and 150mbps with the latency expected between 20ms and 40ms, depending on location. In this phase, the Starlink kit included a phased-arrayed satellite dish, a tripod and a Wi-Fi router. SpaceX says that the Starlink satellite broadband service will cover most of the Earth by the end of the year which means that the service could also be expanded in India although there is no confirmed roadmap for the same. SpaceX has already submitted its recommendations to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) last year for introducing satellite broadband in India.
"Most of Earth by end of the year, all by next year, then it’s about densifying coverage. Important to note that cellular will always have the advantage in dense urban areas. Satellites are best for low to medium population density areas," tweeted Musk.

Q. Give the synonym for the word "response".

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 12

The given passage is about "SpaceX Starlink satellite".

  • The given word 'Response' means something constituting a reply or a reaction.
  • In option D, the word '​Reply' means to say something in response to something someone has said.

So, '​Reply' is the correct synonym for the word.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 13

Direction: Read the following passage and answer the question. (choose the most appropriate answers)
When another old cave is discovered in the South France, it is not usually news. Rather, it is an ordinary event. Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them. However, when the Lascaux cave complex was discovered in 1940, the world was amazed. Painted directly on its walls were hundreds of scenes showing how people lived thousands of years ago. The scenes show people hunting animals , such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably, horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals. Early artists drawing these animals accomplished a monumental difficult task. They did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing steep walls or crawling into narrow passages in the Lascaux complex. Unfortunately, the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes, which easily wear the images away. Because the Lascaux caves have many entrances, air movement has also damaged the images inside, Although they are not out in the open air, where natural light would have destroyed them long ago, many of the images have deteriorated and are barely recognizable. To prevent further damage, the site was closed to tourists in 1963, 23 years after it was discovered.

Q. The underlined words 'pays heed to' are closest in meaning to _________

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 13
  • Let's take a look at the meaning of the marked option: 
  • Notices means 'to see or become conscious of something or someone'.
    • Ex: I noticed a crack in the ceiling.
  • Pays heed to means 'to pay attention to'.
  • It's clear that 'notices' is closed in meaning to 'pays heed to'.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3).

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 14

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Initiatives such as “4 per mille” and Terraton aim to sequester huge amounts of carbon in the soil. The 2018 U.S. Farm Bill includes the first-ever incentives for farmers to adopt practices aimed at improving soil health and sequestering carbon. But these initiatives are missing a key point: not all soil carbon is the same.
The very different lifetimes of particulate organic matter and mineral-associated organic matter have important implications for these efforts. For example, adding low-quality crop residues to agricultural fields would likely create more particulate organic matter than mineral-associated organic matter. This could increase soil carbon in the short term - but if that field later is disturbed by tilling, a lot of it would decompose and the benefit would be quickly reversed. The best practices focus on building up the mineral-associated organic matter for longer-term carbon storage, while also producing high-quality particulate organic matter with lots of nitrogen to help boost crop productivity.
Natural healthy soils show us that providing continuous and diverse plant inputs that reach all the way to deep soil is key for achieving both high mineral-associated organic matter storage and particulate organic matter recycling. There are many promising ways to do this, such as maintaining plant cover on fields year-round; growing diverse crops that include high-nitrogen legumes and perennials with deep roots; and minimizing tillage.
However, not all soils can accumulate both mineral-associated organic matter and particulate organic matter. Before implementing any management practices for carbon sequestration, participants should first assess the carbon storage potential of the local soil, much as a doctor studies a patient before prescribing a cure. Sequestering soil carbon effectively requires an understanding of how particulate organic matter and mineral-associated organic matter work, how human actions affect them, and how to build up both types to meet our planet’s climate and food security needs.

Q. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word.
However, not all soils can accumulate both mineral-associated organic matter.

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 14

Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing. A verb is a doing word that shows an action, an event, or a state. In other words, a verb is a word that informs about action, the existence of something, or an occurrence. In our sentence, the soil is the subject and accumulation is the action. Thus, accumulate is a verb.

  • A noun is a word that names something (such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, or idea) and is typically used in a sentence as the subject or object of a verb or a preposition.
    Ex: Johnny Depp acted brilliantly in the movie Edward Scissorhands.
  • ​An adverb is a word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase.
    Ex: Walk carefully lest you should fall.​
  • Conjunctions are the words used to connect two words or clauses or sentences.
    Ex: John David Washington and Robert Pattinson starred in Christopher Nolan-directed thriller Tenet.
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 15

According to Gardner, ability to notice and make distinctions among the moods, temperaments, motivations and intentions of other peoples is termed as:

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 15

Howard Gardener is a psychologist who believed that Intelligence is not based on a single ability.
He gave a theory based on multiple intelligence.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 16

Task : Fill in the blanks choosing the suitable words.
(i) I want a cup of ______ coffee. (strong/powerful)
(ii) He is a ______ smoker. (heavy/big)
The task above tests the learner's ability in:

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 16

A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time. On the other hand, other combinations may be unnatural and just sound "wrong". Look at these examples-
I want a cup of Strong (not powerful) coffee. 
He is a heavy (not big) smoker. 

  • Spelling: the forming of words from letters according to accepted usage.
  • Pronunciation: the way in which a particular letter word or sound is said.
  • Idiomatic use: using language that contains expressions that are natural to somebody who learned the language as a child.

Hence, the task above tests the learner's ability in collocation.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 17

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation mainly aims at promoting:

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 17

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, commonly known as 'CCE', was introduced as a school-based evaluation system by the CBSE in 2009 with the enactment of the Right to Education Act.

  • Continuous and comprehensive Evaluation mainly aims at promoting Inclusive education. 
  • CCE can be incorporated in the inclusive classroom while engaging in teaching through a variety of activities.
  • Incorporating strategies for attending to diverse needs in classrooms would be particularly useful in developing CCE processes for the classroom.

Aims of CCE:

  • Emphasizing continuity and regularity of assessment.
  • Assessing both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects of a child's growth.
  • Emphasize the thought process and de-emphasize memorization as CCE includes all aspects of students' development.
  • Recording the methods of learning to make the required improvements.
  • Making evaluation an integral part of learning through diagnostic and remedial teaching.
  • Evaluating children comprehensively rather than focus only on cognitive or intellectual functioning. 
  • Ensuring all-around development of students including cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.
  • Evaluate every aspect of the child during their presence at the school.
  • Developing a student's cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.
  • Assessing both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects of a child's growth.
  • Evaluation of the interest of the child during their presence at the school.
  • Observing and recording the methods of learning to make improvements.

So, we can conclude that Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation mainly aims at promoting Inclusive education.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 18

One Earth day is

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 18

The spinning of Earth around its axis is called its rotation. The time it takes for the planet to complete one spin is its rotation period. For Earth, this period of time is approximately 24 hours, or one Earth day.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 19

The ability to break down information into smaller pieces and to establish relation among parts and the whole is

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 19

This is the correct option because an analytical approach is the use of an appropriate process to break a problem down into the smaller pieces necessary to solve it. Each piece becomes a smaller and easier problem to solve.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 20

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 20
  • The oldest Veda is the Rigveda, composed about 3500 years ago.
  • The Rigveda includes more than a thousand hymns, called sukta or “well-said”. 
  • These hymns are in praise of various gods and goddesses.
  • Three gods are especially important: Agni, the god of fire; Indra, a warrior god; and Soma, a plant from which a special drink was prepared.
  • These hymns were composed of sages (rishis).
  • Priests taught students to recite and memorise each syllable, word, and sentence, bit by bit, with great care.
  • Most of the hymns were composed, taught and learnt by men.
  • A few were composed of women.
  • The Rigveda is in old or Vedic Sanskrit, which is different from the Sanskrit you learn in school these days. 
  • The books we use are written and printed.
  • The Rigveda was recited and heard rather than read.
  • It was written down several centuries after it was first composed, and printed less than 200 years ago.

So we conclude that the statement  "Rigveda was read rather than recited and heard." is incorrect.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 21

Directions: Based on your reading of the case study given below, answer the question by selecting the most appropriate option.
Rashmi has the habit of asking the surnames of persons whom she comes across for the first time. She has to place the concerned person in the varna system of Indian society. This enquiry about caste identity is resented by many people though it is not expressed openly. Things are more complicated when she meets a person from another region or part of India. She is unable to figure out their caste status even if that person reveals the surname. This world view of Rashmi, according to her, does not affect/influence her teaching-learning transaction process. She says that it is part of her primary socialisation and she cannot help it.

Q. Primary socialisation is

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 21

Primary socialisation is learning from society during adolescence. Primary socialisation in sociology is the period of a person's life in which he initially learns and builds himself through experiences and interactions around him, when he is young.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 22

Consider the given statements regarding the special burial at Inamgaon and choose the correct option.
A) Adults were generally buried in the ground, laid out straight, with the head towards the north.
B) Vessels that probably contained food and water were placed with the dead.

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 22

The stone boulders are known as megaliths (literally big stones). 

  • These were carefully arranged by people and were used to mark burial sites. 
  • The practice of erecting megaliths began about 3000 years ago and were prevalent throughout the Deccan, south India, in the northeast and Kashmir.
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 23

The Civil Rights Movement was started in the U.S.A. to

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 23

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 expressly banned discrimination based on race, colour, religion, sex, or national origin in employment practices and ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace, and by public accommodations.
Its goals were to end racial segregation and discrimination against African-Americans and to secure legal recognition and federal protection of the citizenship rights enumerated in the Constitution and federal law.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 24

Which of the following cults has distinctive tribal influence?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 24

The cult of Jagannath has been greatly influenced by the Savari tantra as He is the deity of the Savara tribals.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 25

Indigo Commission set up by the British Government

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 25

Indigo Commission set up by the British Government recommended a decrease in the revenue for the Indigo farmers. The Indigo Commission was set up to enquire into the system of Indigo production.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 26

Which one of the following facts does not hold true about Gruma-Bhojaka, the village headman in the northern parts of India?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 26

'The king never used him to collect taxes' - is the fact that does not hold true about Gruma-Bhojaka, the village headman in the northern parts of India because the king used them to collect the taxes.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 27

Which of the following pedagogical approaches exhibited by four different teachers for teaching 'Industrialisation' is most appropriate?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 27

The class consists of a number of students who differ in their learning abilities. The teacher must be aware of multiple approaches to pedagogy, so that she can address the learning abilities of all the students in the class. Besides, a trip to an industry provides real time experience to the students. The students are able to establish a link between theoretical knowledge, as well as practical knowledge of the subject. The discussion and debates in the class enhance participative learning. The teacher then, after discussions, can solve the queries, and sum up the conclusions.
Hence, this approach is the most appropriate since it addresses all the five senses of the students.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 28

When did Tsunami strike the Indian ocean?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 28

A tsunami is a large tidal wave caused by the movements of the ocean floor.

  • A tsunami is caused by the movement of the ocean floor like an earthquake, landslides, and volcanic eruptions.
  • In the Indian Ocean, a Tsunami was struck on 26 December 2004.
  • It was a result of an earthquake whose magnitude was 9.0 marking the epicenter in Sumatra.
  • The tsunami traveled at the speed of 800 km per hour.
  • It submerged most of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  • It displaced the ocean floor to 10-20m.
  • The tsunami caused major destruction in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands and some of the Indian states like Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh.

Thus, we can conclude that on 26 December 2004, a tsunami struck the Indian Ocean.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 29

How many members can be nominated by the President of India to Rajya Sabha?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 29

Members to the Rajya Sabha are elected (indirectly) or nominated. Rajya Sabha consists of not more than 250 members – 238 members representing the states and union territories and 12 members nominated by the President.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 30

Kolkata is located at 88º E longitude and Chennai at 70º E longitude. The time difference between these two cities is

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 3 (Social Science) - Question 30

1 hour 12 min
1 degree = 4 min
Time in Kolkata = 88 x 4 = 352 min
Time in Chennai = 70 x 4 = 280 min
Time difference = 72 min
= 1 hour 12 min

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