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REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - REET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test REET Level 2 Mock Test Series 2024 - REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science)

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) for REET 2024 is part of REET Level 2 Mock Test Series 2024 preparation. The REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) questions and answers have been prepared according to the REET exam syllabus.The REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) MCQs are made for REET 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) below.
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REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 1

According to the theory of Bruner, which of the following statements is correct?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 1

Bruner's theory is a general framework for instruction based upon the study of cognition. The main aim was that instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and/or fill in the gaps.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 2

Self-study habit can be developed in children by

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 2

Self-study habit can be developed in children by citing examples of great people. Encouraging your children to develop good study habits from an early age is one of the most important things.

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REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 3

____takes place when a child strikes balance between the two processes while trying to internalise the perceived object.

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 3

Equilibration takes place when a child strikes balance between the two processes while trying to internalise the perceived object.
Equilibration: The process of striking a balance between accommodation and assimilation. On the other hand, When the child strikes a balance between the two processes while trying to internalize the perceived object, adaptation (a relatively stable structure) takes place.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 4

What role should parents play in a child's learning process?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 4

Parents should play a forward-looking role in the learning process of their children and encourage them to do better. As preschoolers grow into school-age children, parents become their children's learning coaches. Through guidance and reminders, parents help their children organize their time and support their desire to learn new things in and out of school.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 5

दिए गए गद्यांश के आधार पर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प का चयन कीजिए।
गोंड जनजाति, भारत की एक प्रमुख जातीय समुदाय हैं। भारत के कटि प्रदेश- विंध्यपर्वत, सिवान, सतपुड़ा पठार, छत्तीसगढ़ मैदान में दक्षिण तथा दक्षिण-पश्चिम - में गोदावरी नदी तक फैले हुए पहाड़ों और जंगलों में रहने वाली आस्ट्रोलायड नस्ल तथा द्रविड़ परिवार की एक जनजाति, जो संभवत: पाँचवीं-छठी शताब्दी में दक्षिण से गोदावरी के तट को पकड़कर मध्य भारत के पहाड़ों में फैल गई। यह एक स्वतंत्र जनजाति थी, जिसका अपना राज्य था और जिसके 52 गढ़ थे। मध्य भारत में 14वीं से 18वीं शताब्दी तक इसका राज्य रहा था। मुग़ल शासकों और मराठा शासकों ने इन पर आक्रमण कर इनके क्षेत्र पर अधिकार कर लिया और इन्हें घने जंगलों तथा पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों में शरण लेने को बाध्य किया। गोंड जनजाति के लोग काले तथा गहरे भूरे रंग के होते हैं। गोंड अपने वातावरण द्वारा प्रस्तुत भोजन सामग्री एवं कृषि से प्राप्त वस्तुओं पर अधिक निर्भर रहते हैं। इनका मुख्य भोजन कोदों, ज्वार और कुटकी मोटे अनाज होते हैं, जिन्हें पानी में उबालकर 'झोल' या 'राबड़ी' अथवा 'दलिया' के रूप में दिन में तीन बार खाया जाता है। रात्रि में चावल अधिक पसन्द किये जाते हैं। कभी-कभी कोदों और कुटकी के साथ सब्जी एवं दाल का भी प्रयोग किया जाता है। गोंड खेतिहर हैं और परंपरा से दहिया खेती करते हैं जो जंगल को जलाकर उसकी राख में की जाती है और जब एक स्थान की उर्वरता तथा जंगल समाप्त हो जाता है तब वहाँ से हटकर दूसरे स्थान को चुन लेते हैं। किंतु सरकारी निषेध के कारण यह प्रथा बहुत कम हो गई है। अनेक गोंड लंबे समय से हिन्दू धर्म तथा संस्कृति के प्रभाव में हैं और कितनी ही जातियों तथा कबीलों ने बहुत से हिन्दू विश्वासों, देवी देवताओं, रीति रिवाजों तथा वेशभूषा को अपना लिया है। पुरानी प्रथा के अनुसार मृतकों को दफनाया जाता है, किंतु बड़े और धनी लोगों के शव को जलाया जाने लगा है। स्त्रियाँ तथा बच्चे दफनाए जाते हैं। 

Q. गोंड जनजाति के लोग ____ रंग के होते हैं। 

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 5

गोंड जनजाति के लोग काले तथा गहरे भूरे रंग के होते हैं। 
गद्यांश के अनुसार: 

  • गोंड जनजाति के लोग काले तथा गहरे भूरे रंग के होते हैं। 
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 6

निर्देश: निम्नलिखित काव्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढकर उनके नीचे दिये गये बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में सही विकल्प का चयन करें।
उभरी नसोंवाले हाथ
घिसे नाखूनों वाले हाथ
पीपल के पत्ते से नये-नये हाथ
जूही की डाल से खुशबूदार हाथ
गंदे कटे पिटे हाथ
जख्म से फटे हुये हाथ
खुशबु रचते हैं हाथ
खुशबु रचते हैं हाथ।
यहीं इस गली में बनती हैं
मुल्क की मशहूर अगरबत्तियाँ
इन्हीं गंदे मुहल्लों के गंदे लोग
बनाते है केवड़ा गुलाब खस और रातरानी
दुनिया की सारी गंदगी के बीच
दुनिया की सारी खुशबू
रचते रहते हैं हाथ
खुशबू रचते हैं हाथ।

Q. 'पीपल के पत्ते से हाथ' संकेत करते हैं:

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 6

'पीपल के पत्ते से हाथ' बालमजदूरों की ओर संकेत करते हैं।
कवि अगरबत्तियां बनाने वालों की दशा का वर्णन करते हुए लिखता है कि कुछ कोमल पीपल के पत्ते से हाथों वाले बच्चे हैं जो यह काम कर रहे हैं। कुछ यौवन से संपन्न लड़कियां भी यही काम कर रही है जिनके हाथ जूही की डाल जैसे सुगंधित है।
सन्दर्भ पंक्ति - 
पीपल के पत्ते से नये-नये हाथ
जूही की डाल से खुशबूदार हाथ

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 7

निर्देश: नीचे दी गई काव्य – पंक्तियों को पढ़कर सबसे उचित विकल्प का चयन कीजिए:
ये कोरोना वाली छुट्टी, बहुत कुछ सिखा गयी
जरूरते है कितनी कम, रिश्तो में है दम
पैसे कि क्या अहमियत, किसकी है कैसी नीयत हाँ, पर सब कुछ जता गयी..
ये कोरोना वाली छुट्टी बहुत कुछ सिखा गयी
पर जो नही आ पायी बाई, खुद किये घर की सफाई
सब्जी जो नही मिल पायी, चावल दाल बुरी नही भाई
सहनशक्ति को आजमा गयी
ये कोरोना वाली छुट्टी बहुत कुछ सिखा गयी
नौकरी करते या खेती बाडी, छोटी कार या बड़ी गाडी
बड़ा बंगलो या छोटा घर, बीमारी के सामने सब बराबर
इंसान को हैसियत समझा गयी
ये कोरोना वाली छुट्टी बहुत कुछ सिखा गयी
अंग्रेजी वाले शब्द हुए पॉपुलर
क्वारंटाइन, लॉकडाउन और सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग
लोकल के लिए वोकल सच में
ये कोरोना वाली छुट्टी बहुत कुछ सिखा गयी

Q. सफाई शब्द में प्रत्यय पहचानिए।

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 7

सफाई शब्द में प्रत्यय "ई" प्रत्यय है।
सफ़ाई: सफ़ा + ई
सफ़ा शब्द अरबी भाषा का शब्द है।

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 8

एक शिक्षिका पाठ के संदर्भ में आये शब्दों जैसे- हंस - हँस, पूछ - पूँछ, चांद - चाँद का उच्चारण कराकर अंतर बताती है। शिक्षिका का अपेक्षित उद्देश्य है-

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 8

उच्चारण शिक्षण के अन्तर्गत मौखिक अभिव्यक्ति में प्रयुक्त अक्षरों की ध्वनियों का सही प्रयोग आता है। यदि हम विचारों एवं भावों की अभिव्यक्ति के समय ध्वनि का उच्चारण उसके निश्चित स्थान से नहीं करेंगे तो हमारी अभिव्यक्ति दोषपूर्ण और मौखिक भाषा निरर्थक व प्रभावहीन हो जायेगी।

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 9

निर्देश: नीचे दिए गए गद्यांश के बाद  प्रश्न दिए गए हैं। इस गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें और चार विकल्पों में से प्रत्येक प्रश्न का सर्वोत्तम उत्तर चुनें।
लगभग पांच शताब्दी पूर्व पुर्तगाली इतिहासकार डोमिंग पेस ने हम्पी (विजयनगर) को स्वप्नों की नगरी कहा था। यह संगम वंश के शासकों की राजधानी थी जिन्होंने 1336 में प्राचीन हम्पी के निर्माण स्थल पर विजय नगर साम्राज्य की नींव रखी थी। लेकिन वह कृष्णदेव राय (1509-1529) थे जिन्होंने भव्य महल और मंदिरों से राजधानी को अलंकृत किया और विजयनगर साम्राज्य की सीमाओं को दूर-दूर तक फैलाया जिससे वह दक्षिण भारत का सर्वाधिक शाक्तिशाली हिन्दु साम्राज्य बना। परन्तु इस साम्राज्य की शक्ति का पतन पड़ोसी बहमई राज्यों के संघ के 1565 में संयुक्त आक्रमण से आरंभ हुआ। इस विजयनगर को परास्त करके नष्ट कर दिया गया। यह उस साम्राज्य का दुखत अंत था जो कभी अरब सागर से बंगाल की खाड़ी और दक्कन पठार से भारतीय प्रायद्वीप तक फैला था। विजयनगर के भग्नाशेष एक दूसरे पर टंगी विशाल चट्टानों की निर्जन दृश्यावली के बीच फैले हैं। दक्षिण भारत के राजनीतिक परिदृश्य में अपने उदय से पूर्व हम्पी कई शताब्दियों से एक प्रख्यात पावन स्थल था। रामायण में जैसा वर्णित है यह बाली शासित क्षेत्र किष्किन्धा का एक भाग था। इस स्थान में बाली और सुग्रीव, हनुमान, राम सीता, लक्ष्मण से जुड़ी अनेक घटनाएं घटी हैं। तुंगभद्रा नदी के पार स्थित वर्तमान एनीगोण्डी दुर्ग इस वानर साम्राज्य का प्रमुख केन्द्र था। हम्पी के चट्टानी पर्वत जैसे हेमकूट पर्वत, मातण्ग पर्वत और माल्यावंथ पर्वत का उल्लेख रामायण में मिलता है। तुंगभद्रा का प्राचीन नाम और पार्वती का नाम पम्पा है जिसने विरूपाक्ष रूपी शिव से विवाह किया था। इसी नाम पर इस नगरी का नाम पड़ा है

Q. 'दूर-दूर' शब्द :-

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 9

पुनरुक्त -  जो फिर कहा गया हो।
जैसे - दूर, दूर 
समानार्थी - जो शब्द समान अर्थ के कारण किसी दूसरे शब्द की जगह ले लेते हैं उन्हें पर्यायवाची शब्द कहते हैं या समान अर्थ प्रदान करने वाले शब्द पर्यायवाची शब्द अथवा समानार्थक शब्द कहलाते हैं।
जैसे - पर्वत - नग, भूधर आदि 
विरुद्धार्थी - एक-दूसरे के विपरीत या उल्टा अर्थ देने वाले शब्दों को, विलोम शब्द कहते है। जैसे - दिन - रात।
श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक - ऐसे शब्द जो पढ़ने और सुनने में लगभग एक-से लगते हैं, परंतु अर्थ की दृष्टि से भिन्न्न होते हैं, श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द कहलाते हैं। जैसे अचार - आचार

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 10

A student begins to fear public speaking after being ridiculed by her classmates during a recitation exercise. In classical conditioning terms, her newly acquired 'fear' would be due to a/an

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 10

In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually comes to trigger a conditioned response.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 11

A language learning textbook for the first grade begins first with the alphabet, two-letter words, three letter words, and then stories and poems. Which method has been followed in this textbook?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 11

There are many strategies or processes of reading in a fashion which makes reading an interesting and productive activity and 'Bottom-up approach' is one of them.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 12

Directions: Choose the appropriate word group for the underlined words in the given sentence.
My grandfather is 90 but he is as fit as a fiddle.

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 12

The appropriate word group of "fit as a fiddle" is an adjective phrase and indicates being in very good health.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 13

Directions: In the following sentence, an idiomatic expression or a proverb is underlined. Select the alternative which best describes its use in the sentence.
The police will leave no stone unturned to discover the murderer.

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 13

"To leave no stone unturned" is an idiom that means "to do everything possible to find something or to solve a problem".
Thus, 'investigate thoroughly' is the correct option.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 14

Which of the following is/are advantages of using multilingualism as a resource in classroom?
(i) Exposure to multiple languages at the same time.
(ii) Greater linguistic and cognitive flexibility
(iii) Restricted employment opportunities
(iv) Conflicts in classroom because of different culture

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 14

Multilingualism refers to speaking more than one language competently. The term multilingualism is derived from two Latin words namely “multi” which means many and “lingua” which means language. Thus multilingualism is referred to as the ability of a speaker to express himself or herself in several languages with equal and native-like proficiency.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 15

A language teacher wants to create an environment that is conducive to learning. Which statement will be least important to the language teacher?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 15

The statement "Children should be asked to do written work" will be the least important to the language teacher.
Language teachers create an environment that is conducive to learning in the following ways:

  • Providing different kinds of material so that they can learn concepts with ease and efficiency.
  • Using every possible area of the room to create an atmosphere that encourages participation and learning.
  • Creating a positive atmosphere conducive to learning is to develop a positive classroom climate and culture. 
  • Making children feel free to express themselves as it provides them the opportunities to communicate in context.
  • Maintaining a neat and organized environment that is conducive to learning is getting the students to cooperate.
  • Respecting learners' mother tongue so that it could promote the cognitive flexibilities to express the thought in multiple ways.
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 16

A person sitting behind you in a cinema starts talking on the mobile phone and you want to tell him/her to stop.
Choose how you will make the request.

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 16

Option 2 is correct as this is a polite and correct way to request someone to not to do something. Option 1 is rude and offensive and options 3 and 4 are grammatically incorrect expressions.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 17

The two-word stage of language acquisition which is also known as telegraphic speech includes words like:
I. mim-mim-mai-yaaaaa, ba-ba-ga-ga 
II. mummii khaanaa, ghuumii jaana

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 17

Children seem to pass through a series of more or less fixed ‘stages’, as they acquire language. The age at which different children reach each stage can vary considerably, however, the order of ‘stages’ remains the same.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 18

Remedial program is designed keeping in mind:

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 18

Remedial Teaching is an integral part of the teaching-learning program, also known as compensatory or corrective teaching.
The following are characteristics of Remedial Teaching:

  • It can be used for improving language skills.
  • To rectify a particular problem area, it can be used. For example, a student is confused among the pronunciation of 'no' and 'know', he can be taught the concept of silent letters.
  • It is carried out after the identification of problems and challenges faced by students.
  • A teacher should be well aware of students' strengths and weaknesses to apply this method.
  • It is a systematic process as the teacher first diagnoses the problem of students and then applies appropriate remedial methods.
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 19

How many sounds are there in the English language?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 19

Forty-four sounds are there in the English language.
Part of what makes English difficult to learn is that each letter in the alphabet can represent more than one sound. In addition, the English alphabet only has 26 letters, yet it represents 44 sounds. Many English phonemes are represented by two or three letters working together to represent one sound.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 20

In a discussion on Constitution, it is important that it is discussed in historical context so that students become aware that

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 20

The discussion on the Indian Constitution is situated within a historical context. This has been done with the express intent that students become aware of the major influence that our anti-colonial struggle had on Indian democracy.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 21

Which of the following is true for media?
1. Media is the plural form of the word ‘medium’.
2. It describes the various ways through which we communicate in society.
3. TV, radio and newspapers are a form of media. 

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 21
  • Everything ranging from the stall at the local fair to the programme that you see on TV can be called media.
  • Media is the plural form of the word ‘medium’.
  • The term "medium" refers to a means or channel of communication, such as newspapers, television, radio, or the Internet.
  • When referring to multiple channels of communication, the plural form "media" is used. Hence, statement 1 is true.
  • The term "media" refers to the various ways in which we communicate and share information in society. Therefore, statement 2 is true.
  • This can include traditional forms of media as well as newer forms of media.
  • Media refers to all means of communication, everything ranging from a phone call to the evening news on TV can be called media.
  • TV, radio and newspapers are a form of media that reaches millions of people, or the masses, across the country and the world and, thus, they are called mass media. Thus, statement 3 is true.

Thus, we can conclude that all the given statements are true for the media.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 22

Which of the following is true with reference to 180 degrees east and 180 degrees west longitudes?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 22

The Prime Meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves. Its value is 0 degrees longitude and from it, we count 180 degrees eastwards and 180 degrees westwards. Therefore, 180 degrees east and 180 degrees west are on the same line.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 23

Who appoints the Chief Justice of India?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 23
  • The Chief Justice of India (CJI) is appointed by the President of India under clause (2) of Article 124 of the Constitution.
  • The chief justice is appointed by the president after consultation with such judges of the Supreme Court and high courts as he deems necessary.
  • The other judges are appointed by the president after consultation with the chief justice and such other judges of the Supreme Court and the high courts as he deems necessary. The consultation with the chief justice is obligatory in the case of the appointment of a judge other than Chief justice.
  • The basic procedure to be followed for the appointment of CJI is:
    • Appointment to the office of the Chief Justice of India should be of the senior-most Judge of the Supreme Court considered fit to hold the office.
    • The Union Minister of Law, Justice and Company Affairs would, at the appropriate time, seek the recommendation of the outgoing Chief Justice of India for the appointment of the next Chief Justice of India.
    • Whenever there is any doubt about the fitness of the senior-most Judge to hold the office of the Chief Justice of India, consultation with other Judges as envisaged in Article 124 (2) of the Constitution would be made for the appointment of the next Chief Justice of India.
    • After receipt of the recommendation of the Chief Justice of India, the Union Minister of Law, Justice and Company Affairs will put up the recommendation to the Prime Minister who will advise the President in the matter of appointment. 
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 24

Identify the essential steps in educational diagnosis.

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 24

Diagnostic testing is used to locate and identify the areas of learning difficulties.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 25

For an upcoming set of History classes, pick the most well-defined learning objective from the statements below. 

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 25

Learning objectives are clearly written, specific statements of observable learner behavior or action that can be measured upon completion of educational activity.

  • The aim of history teaching is to stimulate the children’s interest and understanding of the life of people who lived in the past.
  • History is a continuous process of interaction between historians and their facts, an unending dialogue between the present and the past.
REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 26

Which among the following is not a function of evaluation?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 26

Evaluation refers to a continuous process of making value judgments based on both qualitative and quantitative data collected over a period of time. 

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 27

Which of the following statements is true with regard to effective reflective practice in Social Science teaching?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 27

'The teacher must create an atmosphere of trust and flexibility to every learning situation' - it is true with regard to effective reflective practice in Social Science teaching.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 28

When did Supreme Court of India order Ministry of Environment & Forests to establish a special division to develop a green belt around Taj Mahal?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 28

Green belt in 50 acres of land under the Taj Heritage Corridor between Taj Mahal and Agra Fort is developed as announced by Supreme Court of India (in 1994). As a follow up of the order, the central ministry declared trapezoidal area around Taj Mahal as restricted area where certain categories of industries would not be allowed to come up. More than 2 lakh plants were raised in an area around Taj Mahal. Agra Development Authority was also established to cover all pollution related matters and to effect several long term measures.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 29

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding the nature of social science?
I. Social science are advance level studies of human society.
II. Social Science contribute to the social utility and advancement of knowledge.
III. Social Sciences are those aspects of knowledge which have direct bearing on man’s activities in different socio-cultural fields.

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 29

Social sciences are the body of knowledge and thought pertaining to human affairs as distinguished from sticks, stones, stars, and physical objects.
The following points may characterize the nature of social sciences

  • Direct bearing on human activity: Social sciences are those aspects of knowledge that have a direct bearing on man’s activities in different sociocultural fields.
  • Advance studies of human society: Social sciences are advance level studies of human society, and they are generally taught at a higher education level.
  • Find out truths about human relationships: Social sciences seek to find out truths about human relationships which ultimately contribute to the social utility and advancement of knowledge.

Hence, we conclude that all the above points are correct regarding the nature of social science.

REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 30

While assessing the attitudes and values, a Social Science teacher may assign weightage to which of the following descriptors?

Detailed Solution for REET Level 2 Mock Test - 6 (Social Science) - Question 30

This is the right answer. A student, who feels free to ask questions, is believed to be more interested in learning.

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