The flow of water through a pipe of radius 28cm into a rectangular tank which is 400m long and 176 m wide is 20 km/hr. In what time the water level will rise by 56 cm.
A swimming pool has two pipes one can fill it with water in 32 hours and other can empty it in 12 hours. In how many hours will the swimming pool be emptied if both the pipes are opened together when 3/8th of the swimming pool is already filled with water?
Find the wrong number in the given number series:
20 9 10 17 29 71.5
If the speed of a boat in still water is 60 km/h. If the boat travels 180 km along the stream in 2 hours 30 minutes, then the time taken by it to cover the same distance against the stream will be?
How many words can be formed the word AMAZON in which both A’s do not come together?
If 35% of 40% of 7/5 of a number is 980, then what is 25% of 3/2of that number?
Directions -
In the following question below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer.
Q. What is the speed of a motorboat in still water?
I. The motorboat covers a distance of 140 km in 4 hours while running upstream.
II. It covers the same distance in 3 hours 30 minutes while running downstream.
The number 711711711711711711711 is Divisible by
The flagstaff of 9 meters high, is placed on the top of a tower makes a shadow of 3√3 m eters along the ground, then find the angle that the sun makes with the ground.
The average age of a husband and wife, who were married 8 years ago, was 30 years at the time of their marriage, Now, the average age of the family, including husband, wife and a child, born during the interval, is 26 years. What is the present age of the child?
If a = (√3 + 1) and b = (1 - √3), then find the value of (a² + b² + ab).
A conical vessel, whose internal radius is 7cm and height is 24cm, is full of milk. If the milk is poured into a cylindrical vessel with internal radius 14cm, find the height to which the milk rises in it.
Ankush and Bharat working separately, can mow a field in 20 and 25 hours respectively. They work alternatively, each for one hour, with Ankush beginning at 6 am. At what time will the mowing can be done?
A pizza boy after travelling 75km meets with a travelling jam and then proceeds at 3/4 of its former speed and arrives at its destination 45 minutes late. Had the traffic jam occurred 48 km further, it would have reached the destination only 25 minutes late. The normal speed of the pizza boy is
An amount of Rs 34,000 is to be divided among Raja, Rani and Mahi in the ratio of 1/4: 5/16:1/2. Find the difference between the smallest and the greatest parts.
Praiksha and Mohit enters into a partnership investing Rs 8000 and Rs 12000 respectively. After 3 months, Pariksha withdrew Rs 2500, while Mohit invested Rs 2500 more. After 3 months more, Suvarna joins the business with a investment of Rs 10,500. After a year, they obtained a gain of Rs 30300. By what money does the share of Mohit exceeds the share of Suvarna?
In an election two candidates participated. 15% voters did not vote. 20% declared invalid and the winner got 75% of the valid votes. If he won by 3400 votes, find the number of voters in the voting list.
The perimeter of a rectangle is 300m. If the difference between the length and breadth of the rectangle is 10m, then what is the circumference of the largest circle that can be drawn inside the rectangle?
A solution contains 40L of pure milk. 25% of his this is taken out. Another 25% of the remaining solution is taken out and finally 25% of the contents left is taken out. The total content taken out replaced with water. Find the ratio of milk to water in the final solution.
If interior angle of any regular polygon is 160 degree. What is the number of sides of that polygon?
If each of the digits in the number 92475813 are arranged in ascending order, what is the difference between the digits which is fourth from the right and third from the left in the new arrangement?
In a certain code, SOUP is written as 5318 and DRIVE is written as 27649. How will PREVIOUS be written in that code?
B and C are brothers. D and E are sisters. B’s son H is E’s brother. C is unmarried. How is C related to D?
A man started from a place walked towards North for 7 m then turned 90° to his right and walked another 6 m. Then he turned 45° to his right and walked 4 m and turned 45° to his left. What is his direction now?
Choose the appropriate option that can replace the “?” sign in the relationship given.
5335 : 3553 : : 7557 : ?
Arrange the following words in a meaningful order.
A. Atom B. Electron/Proton/Neutron C. Molecule D. Compound
Which word will appear third in the dictionary?
The given word is followed by 4 responses, one of which cannot be formed by using the letters of the word given ‘SUSTAINABLE’. Find out the word.
In each of the following questions, select the missing number from the given responses.
Given below are capital letters in the first line and symbols in the second line. Symbols and letters are codes for each other. Choose the correct code for the given letters.
1 docs|65 tests