Only One Option Correct Type
This section contains 12 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
For the following potentiometric titration,
EMF at the equivalent point is given by the graph.
What is the value of (log Keq)?
Given at 298 K,
Thus, ΔG° (Gibbs free energy) for the reaction,
One molal solution of AgNO3 containing 1 kg of water is electrolysed in two electrolytic cells containing Ag and Pt electrodes.2 A current is passed for 2 h in each of them.After electrolysis AgNO3 is
Following two electrolytic cells are taken and current is passed as indicated at 298 K.
After current is passed,they were connected using a salt-bridge.Change in emf of the cell is
When temperature of the following cell Cu | Cu2+(1 M) || Ag+(1 M) | Ag is increased by 10°, E°cell becomes 0.48 V.
Given, E° Cu2+ /Cu = 0.34 V, E°Ag+ /Ag = 0.80 V. Thus, entropy change is
Select the correct statement based on following half-cell reactions.
For the following cell reaction,
Thus Ecell is
Given, limiting equivalent conductance (S cm2 equiv-1).
BaCI2 = x1, H2SO4 = x2, HCI = x3
Specific conductance of saturated BaSO4 = y S cm-1
Thus, Ksp (solubility product) of BaSO4 is
1 x 10-7 M AgNO3 solution is added to 1 L saturated solution of AgBr: Then specific conductance of AgBr solution is
In the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride solution,following reactions may take place at cathode(reduction):
Select the correct option(s).
For the following half-cell reaction,
Potential at the equivalence point is
For a thermocell,
operating between 800 K and 1200 K,
Thus, emf in the operating temperature 850 K and 1050 K is
Statement Type
This section is based on Statement I and Statement II. Select the correct anser from the codes given below
Statement I : In the conductometric titration of CH3COOH with NaOH,conductance first increases slowly and after complete reaction of CH3COOH, it increases rapidly as shown
Statement II : Initial increase in conductance is due to hydrolysis of salt formed.
Statement I : Electrolysis of NaCl solution gives chlorine at anode instead of O2.
Statement II: Formation of oxygen at anode requires over voltage.
One or More than One Options Correct Type
This section contains 5 multiple type questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
Standard electrode potential data are useful for understanding the suitability of an oxidant in a redox titration. Some half-cell reactions and their standard potentials are given below:
Identify correct statement regarding the quantitative estimation of aqueous Fe(NO3)2
For a given KCl solution,molar conductance L(conductance) = 10 L (H2O), (L in S) of solution.
For pure of solution water k (specific conductance = 5.7 x 10-6 S m-1).Thus,molar conductance of KCl solution is
Electrolytic conductance of an electrolyte is decreased due to
For the reduction of NO3- in an aqueous solution E° is 0.96 V. Values of E° for some metals are given below:
The pair(s) of metals that is (are) oxidised by NO3- ion in aqueous solution is (are)
For the reaction, 2F3+ + Fe → 3Fe2+, E° = 1.21 V. Thus,
Matching List Type
Choices for the correct combination of elements from Column I and Column II are given as options (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which one is correct
1 L buffer of 1.0 M NaH2PO4 and 1.0 M Na2HPO4 are taken in two electrolytic vessel separately.Electrolysis was carried using platinum electrodes for 201 min with constant current of 1.25 A.Assume the electrolysis of water takes place.
Match the parameters given in Column I with their values in Column II and select the answer from the codes given below list.
For H2O at 298 K,
Match the parameters in Column I (in terms of -log(value) i.e pvalue ) with their values in Column II
Ka(CH3COOH)= 1.8 x 10-5, [CH3COOH] = 0.040 M
Cell constant of the cell used = 0.206 cm-1
Match the parameters given in Column I with their values in Column II and select the answer from the codes given below list.
Comprehension Type
This section contains a passage describing theory, experiments, data, etc. Two questions related to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct answer out of the given 4 options (a), (b), (c) and (d)
Passage I
During the discharge of a lead storage battery,the density of sulphuric acid fell from 1.294 g/mL (39% H2SO4 by weight) to 1.139 g/ML (20% H2SO4 by weight).The battery holds 3.5 L of the acid and the volume remains practically constant during discharge.
Total H2SO4 used is
Passage I
During the discharge of a lead storage battery,the density of sulphuric acid fell from 1.294 g/mL (39% H2SO4 by weight) to 1.139 g/ML (20% H2SO4 by weight).The battery holds 3.5 L of the acid and the volume remains practically constant during discharge.
Total number of ampere-hour for which battery must have been used is
Passage II
Variation of molar conductancewith molar concentration C is given following Debye-Huckel Onsager equation.
With A and B as Debye-Huckel constants andis the molar conductance of infinitely diluted(≈ zero concentration) solution.
Select the correct option.
Passage II
Variation of molar conductancewith molar concentration C is given following Debye-Huckel Onsager equation.
With A and B as Debye-Huckel constants andis the molar conductance of infinitely diluted(≈ zero concentration) solution.
Following are some facts about electrolytic conduction :
I. decreases with
due to increase in interionic attraction between ions.
II. For weak electrolytes, there is rapid increase in the degree of ionisation with dilution, hence, interionic attraction decreases and increases rapidly in lower concentration range.
III. can be obtained by extrapolation of graph of
to zero concentration for strong electrolytes.
Correct facts are
One Integer Value Correct Type
This section contains 4 questions, when worked out will result in an integer value from 0 to 9 (both inclusive)
A cell, at 298 K is set up Ag | Ag+ (1 M) || Cu2+(1 M) | Cu
A current of 9.65 A is passed for 1 h. What is change in EMF (in centivolt)?
An acidic solution of Cu2+ salt containing 0.4 g of Cu2+ is electrolysed untill all the copper is deposited.Calculate the volume of gas liberated at the other electrode(Express result in centilitre at STP)
At 298 K,the EMF of the cell
If liquid junction potential is zero,the pH of the solution x is
Silver is electro-deposited on a metaliic vessel surface of area 800 cm2 by passing a current of 0.20 A for 3 h.Thickness of the silver deposited was X x 10-4 cm.What is the value of X? (Density of Ag = 10.20 g cm-3)