Two rings of same radius and mass are placed suchthat their centres are at a common point and theirplanes are perpendicular to each other. The momentof inertia of the system about an axis passing throughthe ccntre and perpendicular to the plane of one of therings is (mass of the ring = m, radius = r)
From a given sample of uniform wire, two circular loopsP and are made, P of radius r and Q of radius nr. If theM.I. of Q about its axis is four times that of P about itsaxis (assuming the wire to be diameter much smallerthan either radius), the value of n is
Four identical rods are joined end to end to form asquare. The mass of each rod is M The moment ofinertia of the square about the median line is
Two thin discs, each of mass M and radius r m, areattached as shown in fig. to form a rigid body. therotational inertia of this body about an axis perpendicularto the plane of disc B passing through its centre is
About which axis moment of inertia in the giventriangular lamina is maximum?
Figure shows a uniform solid block of mass M and edgelengths a,b and c. Its M.I. about an axis through oneedge and perpendicular (as shown) to the large face ofthe block is
Figure shows a thin metallic triangular sheet ABC. Themass of the sheet is M. The moment of inertia of thesheet about side AC is
A square plate of edge a/2 is cut out from a uniform square plate of edge 'a' as shown in fig. The mass of the remaining portion is M. The moment of inertia of the shaded portion about an axis passing through 'O' (centre of the square of side a) and perpendicular to the plane of plate is
A uniform ball of radius r rolls without slipping downfrom the top of a sphere of radius R. The angular velocity of the ball when it breaks from the sphere is
A solid sphere rests on a horizontal surface. A horizontalimpulse is applied at height h from centre. The spherestarts rolling just after the application of impulse. Theratio h/r will be
In Fig. a sphere of radius 2 m rolls on a plank. The acceleration of the sphere and the plank are indicated.The value of α is
A ring of radius R is first rotated with an angular velocity ω0 and then carefully placed on a rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of friction betweenthe surface and the ring is μ. Time after which its angular speed is reduced to half is
A disc of radius R rolls on a horizontal ground with linear acceleration a and angular acceleration α as shown in Fig. The magnitude of acceleration of point P as shown in the figure at an instant when its linear velocity is v and angular velocity is wω will be
Two bodies with moments of inertia I1 and I2 (I1 > I2) have equal angular momenta. If their kinetic energies of rotation are E1 and E2 respectively, then
Two bodies with moments of inertia I1 and I2 (I1 > I2) have equal angular momenta. If their kinetic energies of rotation are E1 and E2 respectively, then
A sphere has to purely roll upwards. At an instant whenthe velocity of sphere is v, frictional force acting on it is
A uniform disc of mass M and radius R is mounted onan axle supported in frictionless bearings. A light cordis wrapped around the rim of the disc and a steadydownward pull T is exerted on the cord. The angular acceleration of the disc is
A uniform rod of mass M and length L is pivoted at oneend such that it can rotate in a vertical plane. There isnegligible friction at the pivot. The free end of the rod isheld vertically above the pivot and then released. The angular acceleration of the rod when it makes an angle θ with the vertical is
In Fig. the bar is uniform and weighing 500 N. How large must W be if T1 and T2 are to be equal?
A smooth uniform rod of length L and mass M has twoidentical bead (1 and 2) of negligible size, each of massm, which can slide freely along the rod. Initially thetwo beads are at the centre of the rod and the systemis rotating with angular velocity ω0 about an axisperpendicular to the rod and is passing through itsmidpoint. There are no external forces when the beads reach the ends of the rod, the angular velocity of thesystem is
A uniform thin rod of length I and mass m is hinged ata distance I / 4 from one of the end and released fromhorizontal position as shown in Fig. The angularvelocity of the rod as it passes the vertical position is
A disc is rotated about its axis with a certain angularvelocity and lowered gently on a rough inclined planeas shown in Fig. then
A child is standing with folded hands at the centre of aplatform rotating about its central axis. The kineticenergy of the system is K. The child now stretches hisarms so that the moment of inertia of the systemdoubles. The kinetic energy of the system now is
A ring, cylinder and solid sphere are placed on the topof a rough incline on which the sphere can just rollwithout slipping. When all of them are released at thesame instant from the same position, then
If a spherical ball rolls on a table without slipping, the fraction of its total energy associated with rotation is
In an experiment with a beam balance, an unknownmass m is Balanced by two known masses of 16 kgand 4 kg as shown in Fig.
The value of the unknown mass m is a.
A disc of mass m and radius R moves in the x-y plane as shown Fig. The angular momentum of the disc about the origin O at the instant shown is
A spool is pulled horizontally by two equal and oppositeforces as shown in Fig. Which of the followingstatements are correct?
An impulse J = mv at one end of a stationary uniformfrictionless rod of mass m and length / which is free to rotate in a gravity free space. The impact is elastic. Instantaneous axis of rotation of the rod will pass through
A solid sphere of mass m is lying at rest on a rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of friction between the ground and sphere is μ. The maximum value of F,so that the sphere will not slip, is equal to