A is the only brother of B's father. B is the daughter of C, who is the daughter-in-law of P. How is A related to P?
Directions: Choose the odd numeral pair from the following alternatives:
If in a certain code, DAD is written as WZW and SON is written as HLM, then how would WIFE be written as?
Directions: In the following question, there is a certain relationship between the two terms on each side of : . Find the missing term so that both the pairs have the same relationship.
228 : 56 : : 336 : ?
The year after 1990, which had the same calendar as that of the year 1990, was
Directions: Choose the number that will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series:
5, 4, 3.5, 3.25, ?
Pointing to a lady in the park, Vineet said, ''She is the daughter of my grandfather's only son, and grandfather has no daughter.'' How is Vineet related to that lady?
If in a certain language, CHARCOAL is coded as 45164913 and MORALE is coded as 296137, then how is ALLOCHRE coded in that language?
Directions: In the following question, there is a certain relationship between two given words on each side of (: :). Find the missing word, which has the same relationship with the other word as that between words of the other pair.
Energy : Joule : : Volume : ?
Two clocks begin to strike together. The first clock strikes every 3 seconds, while the second clock strikes every 2 seconds. What is the interval between the first clock's fifth stroke and the second clock's seventh stroke?
Directions: Select the term which will replace the question mark (?) in the given alphanumeric series.
G4T, ?, M20P, P43N, S90L
Directions: The question consists of two statements, one labelled as Principle(s) and the other as Facts. You are to examine the Principle(s) and apply it/them to the given Facts carefully, and select the best option.
Principle: Everyone has a right to defend his or her life and property against criminal harm provided it is not possible to approach public authorities, and more harm than is necessary has been caused to avert the danger.
Facts: One day, Thomas Wayne was coming to his home from a night show with his wife Martha and his son Bruce in Gotham City. They encountered a thief Joe Chill in an alley who threatened them with a gun to submit all their valuables. Thomas got furious and snatched the gun from him to threaten him instead. Joe thought Thomas would kill him; so, in fear, he took out his another gun and killed Thomas and Martha.
Directions: Read the following situation and choose the correct answer to the question asked.
Situation: In an involuntary drunken state, Abhishek abused his friend Das. Das also was drunk and thus, got infuriated and slapped Abhishek. At this moment, Abhishek drew his pistol and shot Das.
Which of the following statements is true?
Directions: Read the following situation and choose the correct answer to the question asked.
Situation: Amit entered into Shiv's house with an intention to steal, but Shiv got alert and chased him out. When Amit was escaping, Shiv shot him in the leg, but the bullet missed.
What is the legal consequence?
Directions: The question consists of two statements, one labelled as Principle(s) and the other as Facts. You are to examine the Principle(s) and apply it/them to the given Facts carefully, and select the best option.
Principle: When an offence is committed by means of several acts, whoever intentionally co-operates in the commission of that offence by doing any one of those acts, either singly or jointly with any other person, commits that offence.
Facts: A and B are joint jailors. A is B's senior. They have the charge of Z, a prisoner, alternately for six hours at a time. A and B, intending to cause Z's death, knowingly co-operate in causing that effect by illegally omitting, each during the time of his attendance, to furnish Z with food supplied to them for that purpose. Z dies of hunger.
Who is/are responsible for the death of Z?
Directions: In this question, one or more principles are given followed by some facts. Read the principle(s) carefully and apply it/them to the given facts and choose the most appropriate option.
1. All persons shall have protection against the application of ex-post facto laws.
2. No person shall be subjected to a penalty greater than that which might have been inflicted under the law in force at the time of the commission of the offence.
Facts: A minor had been punished for an offence for 14 years. While he was serving the sentence for imprisonment, a new law was made, containing provision that no minor could be put in jail for more than 10 years. He appealed before the court to be protected under the amended provision for the same.
Directions: In this question, one or more principles are given followed by some facts. Read the principle(s) carefully, apply it/them to the given facts and choose the correct option accordingly.
Principle: Right to carry on any occupation, trade or business is a Fundamental Right under the Indian Constitution. The State is under an obligation under the Directive Principles of States Policy to organize agriculture and animal husbandry on scientific lines, and towards that goal, takes steps to prohibit cow slaughter.
Facts: The State of X passed a legislation totally prohibiting cow slaughter. A butcher, trading in meat of all animals including cows, challenged this legislation as violating the fundamental right to carry on his business.
Directions: In this question, one or more principles are given followed by some facts. Read the principle(s) carefully and apply it/them to the given facts and choose the most appropriate option.
Principle: Caveat emptor, i.e. 'let the buyer beware' means that it is the business of the buyer to judge for himself that what he buys has its use and worth for him. Once bought, if the purchase does not live up to his expectations, then he alone is to blame and no one else.
Facts: For the purpose of a wedding function, 'A' bought pineapples from 'B', but did not disclose to the seller ('B') the specific purpose of the said purchase. When the pineapples were served in a fruit salad, everyone got severe cough and sore throat because that kind of pineapple was unfit for fruit salad. However, the pineapple was fit for a variety of other purposes (such as juice, smoothies, etc.).
Applying the aforesaid principle, which of the following derivations is CORRECT in regard to remedy available to 'A' in the given situation?
Directions: Read the following situation and choose the correct answer to the question asked.
Situation: When Queen Bala's car met with an accident, Krishnan, who was in close proximity, went to the spot and found Bala dead. He took away her jewelry to keep it safe and informed police about the accident. Later, he did not return the jewelry and sold it to earn money.
Which offence is committed here?
Directions: The question consists of two statements, one labelled as Principle(s) and the other as Facts. You are to examine the Principle(s) and apply it/them to the given Facts carefully, and select the best option.
Principle: An offer which is allowed to remain open for acceptance over a period of time is known as a standing, an open or a continuing offer.
Facts: An offer to supply 545 packets of chips from 1st January to 31st December, in accordance with the orders which may be placed from time to time, is a standing offer. As and when the orders are placed, it amounts to acceptance of the offer to that extent. The order of 250 packets is placed on 15th January. Decide.
Directions: The question consists of two statements, one labeled as Principle(s) and the other as Facts. You are to examine the Principle(s) and apply it/them to the given Facts carefully, and select the best option.
Principle: Every person who is arrested and detained in custody shall be produced before the nearest magistrate within a period of twenty-four hours of such arrest excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place of arrest to the court of the magistrate and no such person shall be detained in custody beyond the said period without the authority of a magistrate.
Facts: Jethalal was the owner of an electronic shop 'Gada Electronics'. One day he got stuck in his godown after the shop closed; with some people's help, he managed to break the lock and get out, but a police patrol team saw him with the broken lock and arrested him for the charge of breaking. Two days went by, and they kept him in custody for interrogation as the senior inspector wasn't around.
Directions: The question consists of two statements, one labelled as Principle(s) and the other as Facts. You are to examine the Principle(s) and apply it/them to the given Facts carefully, and select the best option.
Principle: Whoever causes death by doing an act with the intention of causing death, or with the intention of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death, or with the knowledge that he is likely by such act to cause death, commits the offence of culpable homicide.
Facts: A knows Z to be behind a bush, but B does not know this fact. A, intending to cause, or knowing it to be likely to cause, Z's death, induces B to fire at the bush. B fires and kills Z.
Who has/have committed the offence, as per the principle?
What is the scientific name of the saffron reedtail damselfly?
What is the primary habitat of the saffron reedtail damselfly?
What significant action did the Supreme Court of India recently take regarding manual scavenging?
What is geo-economic fragmentation primarily characterized by?
What is the conservation status of the rusty-spotted cat according to the IUCN Red List?
What has been a significant consequence of the military coup in Myanmar on February 1, 2021?
18 docs|18 tests