Calculate the zener current in the given circuit in mA?
A 24V, 600mW, zener diode is to be used in for providing a 24 Vstabilized supply to variable load.
Assuming for a proper zener action, a minimum of 10mA must flow through the zener. If the input voltage is 32 V. What would be the value of RL (in ohm).
What is the potential difference across R1 (in volts) ?
The 6 Volts zener diode shown in figure has zero zener resistance and knee current of 5mA. The minimum value of R (in Ω), so that the voltage across it does not fall below 6 Volts is ?
Calculate the diffusion current density when the concentration of electron varies from the 1 * 1018 to 7 * 1017 cm-3 over a distance of 0.10 cm. D = 225cm2/s
The centre tap full-wave single phase rectifier circuit uses 2 diodes as shown in the given figure. The rms voltage across each diode is (in Volts)
A half-wave rectifier employs a transformer with turn ratio n1 : n2 = 12 : 1. If primary coil is connected to the power mains 220V, 50Hz. If the diode resistance in forward bias is negligible, what is the peak inverse voltage (in Volts) of the diode?
A 10V zener diode working as a voltage regulator operates from a source that varies from 5 V to 15V, the series resistance is 0.1kΩ and the load draws a current that varies from 0 to 20mA. The power dissipation in the zener diode under worst case (in Watts) is?
When three zener diodes of identical specification having 10W, 10 V, l000 mA are connected in series to a 45V~dc power supply. Calculate the series resistance required to obtain 30 V regulated output (in Ω)?