A system of non-interacting Fermi particles with Fermi energy EF , has the density of states proportional to √E where E is the energy of a particles. The ratio of average energy per particle at T = 0 to the Fermi energy is.
In a Maxwellian gas, if Vrms is the root means square velocity, then the most probable velocity vmp in terms of vrms is.
A system has energy level E0, 2E0, 3E0,....., where the excited states are triply degenerated. Three non-interacting bosons are placed in the system. The total energy of these bosons is 5E0, the number of microstates is.
The total number of accessible states of non-interacting particles of spin 1/2 is given that N = 20.
The number of coordinates in the phase space of a single particle is.
The total energy per particle of a collection of free fermions is 3eV. The Fermi energy of the system (in eV) is?
An ensemble of N three level systems with energies in thermal equilibrium at temperature T. Let
If βε = 2, the probability of finding the system in level ε = 0 is given as (1 + 2cosh 2)α . Find value of α?
The dimension of phase space of ten rigid diatomic molecule is
For a particle moving in a circle of fixed radius with constant speed, dimension of phase space is.
A system of N non-interacting classical point particles is constrained to move on the two-dimensional surface of a sphere. The internal energy of the system is in units of NkBT?