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Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - SSC CHSL MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test General Intelligence and Reasoning for SSC CHSL - Test: Alphabet Test - 1

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 for SSC CHSL 2025 is part of General Intelligence and Reasoning for SSC CHSL preparation. The Test: Alphabet Test - 1 questions and answers have been prepared according to the SSC CHSL exam syllabus.The Test: Alphabet Test - 1 MCQs are made for SSC CHSL 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 below.
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Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 1

Arrange the following options in logical order.

1. Tap your Whats App app to open Whats App
2. Tap the "New Group" option.
3. Add a group name and group photo. 
4. Tap the "Chats" option to open your chat history.
5. Tap a contact's name to add them to your group.
6. Tap the create icon.

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 1

The given options show how to create a Whats App group.

1. Tap your Whats App app to open Whats App

4. Tap the "Chats" option to open your chat history.

2. Tap the "New Group" option.

5. Tap a contact's name to add them to your group.

3. Add a group name and group photo. 

6. Tap the create icon.

Hence, 142536 is the correct order.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 2

From the given alternative words select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word ‘CLARIFICATION'?

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 2

FICTION → CLARIFICATION → can be formed.

ACTION → CLARIFICATION → can be formed.

CAPTION → CLARIFICATION → There is no letter ‘P’ so it cannot be formed.

RATION → CLARIFICATION → can be formed.

Hence, " CAPTION " is the answer.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 3

A word is represented by the only a set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as shown in the given two matrices. The columns and rows of Matrix-I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, for example, ‘B’ can be represented by 31, 43, etc and ‘P’ can be represented by 57, 95, etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word ‘GYRO’.

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 3

1 ) 13,86,77,97 → G,Y,R,O

2) 13,57,24,77 → G,P,A,R

3) 10,65,42,79 → M,S,K,Q

4) 20,56,13,75 → H,X,G,S

Hence, 13,86,77,97 represent GYRO.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 4

Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.

1. Triangle
2. Trimmed
3. Tussle
4. Taste
5. Tangle

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 4

5. Tangle

4. Taste

1. Triangle

2. Trimmed

3. Tussle

Hence, the answer is ‘54123’.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 5

In the following question, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.


Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 5

1) SLAIN → SALVAGING → can be formed

2) SLANG → SALVAGING → can be formed

3) GAINS → SALVAGING → can be formed

4) BRINGS → SALVAGING → cannot be formed

Hence, BRINGS cannot be formed from the letters of the given word.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 6

From the given alternatives, select the word which CANNOT be formed using the letters of the given word.


Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 6

Nevin cannot be formed using ‘Benevolent’ because there is no ‘I’ in it.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 7

The prefix which gives a meaningful word when added to the word NATIONAL is?

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 7

The addition of prefix TRANS to NATIONAL gives the word TRANSNATIONAL which means extending or operating across national boundaries.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 8

In the following question, a series is given. Choose the correct alternative from the given options.

1. Lieutenant Colonel, 2. Captain, 3.  Field Marshal, 4. Major General

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 8

Given series is a hierarchy of ranks under Indian Army (from top to bottom).

3.Field Marshal > 4. Major General > 1. Lieutenant Colonel > 2. Captain

Hence, the correct sequence is '3412'.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 9

Name a single letter that can be suffixed to the words to form new words?

Lone, Quiet, Sweet, Bright

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 9

The word that can be suffixed is ‘ly’ to make new words.

Lone + ly = Lonely

Quiet + ly = Quietly

Sweet + ly = Sweetly

Bright + ly = Brightly

Hence, ‘ly’ is the correct alternatively.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 10

Directions: In the question below which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words in ascending order?

Garnish, cook, purchase, serve, wash

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 10

Above given is the process of cooking food. The first food is PURCHASED then it is WASHED then it  is COOKED then it GARNISHED and finally it is SERVED to be eaten
Hence, 3, 5, 2, 1, 4 is correct option. 

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 11

A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as shown in the given two matrices. The columns and rows of Matrix-I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, for example, ‘C’ can be represented by 01, 85, etc., and 'U’ can be represented by 20, 97, etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word “GEEKY”.

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 11

According to the given information:

1) 32, 01, 89, 56, 22 → G, C, E, K, Y

2) 03, 89, 10, 33, 32 → G, E, E, L, G

3) 65, 10, 75, 95, 00 → G, E, E, K, Y

4) 58, 75, 59, 56, 77 → F, E, R, K, Y

Hence, (65, 10, 75, 95, 00) is the correct answer.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 12

In each of the following questions, which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words in ascending order?

(a) Uranus
(b) Mercury
(c) Saturn
(d) Earth

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 12

The correct sequence of planets according to the solar system will be

Mercury, Earth, Saturn, Uranus

Hence the correct sequence will be b, d, c, a

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 13

Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words?

a. Evaluation
b. Presentation
c. Recap
d. Aim announcement
e. Motivation

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 13

Given words represent steps followed in the accomplishment of any work.

First of all, MOTIVATION is needed to start any work.

Then AIM is announced which sets the target.

Then PRESENTATION is given which sets the steps to be followed.

Then RECAP is done and then finally EVALUATION is done.

Motivation → Aim announcement → Presentation → Recap → Evaluation.

Hence correct order is e, d, b, c, a.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 14

On arranging Atomic Age, Metallic Age, Stone Age, Alloy Age in a meaningful order (starting from the earliest) which would appear in the 3rd position?

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 14

The correct order is Stone Age < Metallic Age < Alloy Age < Atomic Age.Hence, Alloy Age would appear in 3rd position. 

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 15

Directions: In question, which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?

1)  Gold
2)  Ornaments
3)  Ore
4)  Mine
5)  Process

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 15

A mine has ore in it, the ore is processed to obtain gold from it. The gold is further used to make ornaments.

Hence, 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 is the correct sequence.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 16

Arrange the following words in a meaningful order.

1. Key
2. Door
3. Lock
4. Room
5. Switch On

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 16

Clearly, the logical order is

Key à Lock à Door à Room à Switch on

Hence, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 is a meaningful order.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 17

Arrange the following words according to a dictionary?

1. Inventory
2. Involuntary
3. Invisible
4. Invariable
5. Investigate

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 17

The arrangement is as follows:

Invariable → Inventory → Investigate → Invisible → Involuntary

Thus, 4, 1, 5, 3, 2 is the answer.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 18

In the following question which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?

1. Birth
2. Death
3. Childhood
4. Infancy
5. Adolescence
6. Adulthood
7. Old age

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 18

The correct order is as follows:

Birth → Infancy → Childhood → Adolescence → Adulthood → Old age → Death

Thus the correct order is 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 2.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 19

Directions: Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful descending order of the following?

1. Major
2. Captain
3. Colonel
4. Brigadier
5. Lt. General

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 19

The given options are ranks of officials in the Indian Army. Based on that the descending order is:

Lt. General → Brigadier → Colonel → Major → Captain.

Thus, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 is the answer.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 20

Arrange the following in the meaningful/logical order:

1. Exhaust
2. Night
3. Day
4. Sleep
5. Work

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 20

The correct sequence is:

Day → Work → Exhaust → Night → Sleep

As when a day starts one does work for the whole day and due to work one gets exhausted than after day night comes and one goes to sleep to get relief from exhaust situation.

Thus 3, 5, 1, 2, 4 is the answer.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 21

Directions: In a question which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words?

1. Independence Day
2. Republic Day
3. Gandhiji’s Birthday
4. Pandit Nehruji's Birthday

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 21

Arranging serial numbers according to dates,

New order becomes 2,1,3,4.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 22

Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?

1. Substance
2. Atom
3. Molecule
4. Proton

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 22

We can arrange the options according to their size. Proton has smallest size and substance has largest size.

(4) Proton > (2) Atom > (3) Molecule > (1)Substance

So, the meaningful order is 4, 2, 3, 1.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 23

Arrange the following words according to the dictionary:
(a) Trinity  (b) Tool  (c) Town    (d) Twist   (e)Type

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 23

(a) Trinity  (b) Tool  (c) Town    (d) Twist   (e)Type

Dictionary Order:

(b) Tool  (c) Town    (a) Trinity    (d) Twist   (e)Type

So, the correct order is b, c, a, d, e.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 24

Which of the following and come in the second number, when they are arranged alphabetically as per in a dictionary.

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 24

Clearly, the arranged set is as follows:

Passband à Passbook à Passerby à Passible

Here, the second word is Passbook.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 25

Which word will appear third in the dictionary?

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 25

We will arrange these words according to the dictionary.

1) Meditate

2) Meditation

3) Meditator

4) Mediumism

Hence, “Meditator” comes at third place.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 26

Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary

1. Dyke
2. Dwindle
3. Dwell
4. Dye 

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 26

Arranging the given words as per the dictionary order,

3. Dwell

2. Dwindle

4. Dye

1. Dyke

Hence the correct dictionary order is 3, 2, 4, 1.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 27

Arrange the following words according to the dictionary.

1. Horse
2. Harness
3. Horizon
4. Horlicks
5. Hormone

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 27

after arranging as per the order of dictionary we get;

Harness, Horizon, Horlicks, Hormone, Horse

Hence the correct sequence is  2, 3, 4, 5, 1

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 28

If the given words are arranged according to the English dictionary, which word will be in third place?


Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 28

In dictionary order, the words will be arranged as:





We can see that the third word is KNOB.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 29

Which will appear third in the dictionary?

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 29

In dictionary order, the words are placed in alphabetical order of the first letter which differs between the words.
Therefore, the order will be
Parrot, Partner, Pattern, Practice.
The third word is therefore pattern.

Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 30

Arrange the following in dictionary order. Then which will be the second word?

1) Specific
2) Spectacle
3) Specified
4) Spectacular

Detailed Solution for Test: Alphabet Test - 1 - Question 30

In dictionary order, words are put in alphabetically according to the first letter in which they differ.

Thus, the order will be:

Specifi(1), Specified (3), Spectacle (2), Spectacular (4)

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