(Q.1-Q.3) An AM signal is represented by x(t) = (20 + 4sin(500πt)) cos(2πt x 105)V.
Q. The modulation index is
An AM broadcast station operates at its maximum allowed total output of 50 kW with 80% modulation. The power in the intelligence part is
The aerial current of an AM transmitter is 18 A when unmodulated but increases to 20 A when modulated.The modulation index is
A modulating signal is amplified by a 80% efficiency amplifier before being combined with a 20 kW carrier to generate an AM signal. The required DC input power to the amplifier, for the system to operate at 100% modulation, would be
A 2 MHz carrier is amplitude modulated by a 500 Hz modulating signal to a depth of 70%. If the unmodulated carrier power is 2 kW, the power of the modulated signal is
A carrier is simultaneously modulated by two sine waves with modulation indices of 0.4 and 0.3. The resultant modulation index will be
In a DSB-SC system with 100% modulation, the power saving is
A 10 kW carrier is sinusoidally modulated by two carriers corresponding to a modulation index of 30% and 40% respectively. The total radiated power is