Which one among the following sects was associated with Gosala Maskariputra?
Examine these two statements and select the answer:
Statement I: The first coins to bear the names and images of rulers were issued by the Kushanas.
Statement II: The first gold coins were issued by the Kushanas.
Consider the following statements about Ashokan rock edicts:
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which was the capital of Mahajanpad Vatsa in 6th century B.C.?
The following sentence describes one of the sites of the Harappan Civilisation "The settlement is divided into two sections, one smaller but higher and the other much larger but lower. Archaeologists designate these as the Citadel and the lower town respectively. Both were walled. Several buildings were build on platforms, which served as foundations." Which of the following sites does it refer to?
Which of the following was prevalent among Harappan people?
Which metal has so far not been discovered in Harappan sites?
The polity of the Harappan people, as derived from the material evidence, was _______.
The cylindrical stone seals were used in which civilisation?
Consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above are correct?
A stone cut water reservoir has been found at ________.
The religion of early Vedic Aryans was primarily of ___________.
The word 'Aryan' is borrowed from 'Arya' in Sanskrit or Airyan in Celtic which means _______.