Science teacher: An abstract knowledge of science is very seldom useful for the decisions that adults typically make in their daily lives. But the skills taught in secondary school should be useful for making such decisions. Therefore, secondary school science courses should teach students to evaluate science-based arguments regarding practical issues, such as health and public policy, instead of or perhaps in addition to teaching more abstract aspects of science.
Which one of the following is an assumption the science teacher's argument requires?
A system-wide county school anti-smoking education program was instituted last year. The program was clearly a success. Last year, the incidence of students smoking on school premises decreased by over 70 percent.
Which of the following assumptions underlies the argument in the passage?
For-profit colleges serve far fewer students than either public or private non-profit colleges. At the same time, relative to non-profit colleges, for-profit colleges draw a disproportionate share of federal and state financial aid, such as tuition grants and guaranteed loans, for their students. It must be, then, that for-profit colleges enroll a greater proportion of financially disadvantaged students than do non-profit colleges.
The conclusion above depends on which of the following assumptions?
Linguist: In English, the past is described as “behind” and the future “ahead,” whereas in Aymara the past is “ahead” and the future “behind.” Research indicates that English speakers sway backward when discussing the past and forward when discussing the future. Conversely, Aymara speakers gesture forward with their hands when discussing the past and backward when discussing the future. These bodily movements, therefore, suggest that the language one speaks affects how one mentally visualizes time.
The linguist's reasoning depends on assuming which of the following?
Last year, the US government spent $500B on enhancing employment, leading to creation of 10M jobs. An average job in US saves the government $10K in social security benefits and provides $15K in taxes. Based on this, the government claims that the payback on the investment would be less than 3 years.
The government’s claim is based on which of the following assumption?
Every time a business grants financial credit to an individual, the business assumes risk. In order to evaluate the risk, a business must have correct information about that individual’s financial history. It is true that credit bureaus, which compile such information from computerized records, have been accused of invading the consumer’s right to privacy. If, however, only limited restrictions are placed on the availability of such information to businesses, those businesses will be able to reduce their overall exposure to risk by giving credit only to people with good credit ratings while at the same time extending larger amounts of credit to more people. This way credit bureaus can, in fact, prevent the foolhardy consumer from becoming seriously overextended.
In the passage above, the author assumes which of the following?
Most people believe that gold and platinum are the most valuable commodities. To the true entrepreneur, however, gold and platinum are less valuable than the knowledge of opportunities is. Thus, in the world of high finance, information is the most valuable commodity.
The author of the passage above makes which of the following assumptions?
About two million years ago, lava dammed up a river in western Asia and caused a small lake to form. The lake existed for about half a million years. Bones of an early human ancestor were recently found in the ancient lake-bottom sediments on top of the layer of lava. Therefore, ancestors of modern humans lived in Western Asia between 2 million and 1.5 million years ago.
Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument?
The proliferation of colloquialisms is degrading the English language. A phrase such as she was like, "no way!" you know?—a meaningless collection of English words just a few decades ago—is commonly understood by most today to mean she was doubtful. No language can admit imprecise word usage on a large scale without a corresponding decrease in quality.
The argument relies on which of the following assumptions?
When students receive positive feedback that focuses on getting a question correct or their perceived intelligence, they are less likely to attempt harder assignments than are students who are praised for their effort or the process they used. Because of this phenomenon, teachers who focus on effort and process are more likely to see better learning outcomes than those who focus on whether an individual question was correct or not.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
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