Which of the following is a correct statement?
Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?
Identify the group that is not matched correctly to all the characters shown:
Who divided animals into two group based on the presence and absence of red blood cells?
______of dinoflagellates have _______ flagella; one lies _________ and the other ________ in a furrow between the wall plates.
Which one is not a member of kingdom Protista?
In the five-kingdom classification, _______ Kingdom has brought together Chlamydomonas, Chlorella (earlier placed in _____within Plants and both having cell walls) with Paramoecium and Amoeba (which were earlier placed in the _____kingdom which lack cell wall)
Mad cow disease in cattle and Cr Jacob disease in humans are due to infection by__________________ .
Which system of classification was developed during Linnaeus time?
The sex organs are______, but ___________is brought about by fusion of two vegetative or somatic cells of _________strains or genotypes. The resultant structure is dikaryotic which ultimately gives rise to________.
Which of the following statements accurately describes the characteristics of organisms in the kingdom Fungi?
The organism that completely lack a cell wall and are smallest living cell know, can survive without oxygen is
What is formed by slime molds under suitable conditions?
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