All the elements in a group in the periodic table have the same-
“Which elements are arranged in increasing order of atomic weight, every eighth element has properties similar to the first”. This law had been given by-
Which of the following statements regarding heavy water are correct?
I. It is extensively used as a moderator in nuclear reactors.
II. It cannot be used in exchange reaction to study reaction mechanism.
III. Viscosity of heavy water is relatively smaller than that of ordinary water.
IV. The dielectric constant of heavy water is smaller than that of ordinary water. Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Statement I: Oxygen gas is easily produced at a faster rate by heating a mixture of potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide than heating potassium chlorate alone.
Statement II: Manganese dioxide acts as a negative catalyst.
To weld metals together, high temperature is required. Such a high temperature is obtained by burning
Graphite is a much better conductor of heat and electricity than diamond. This is due to the fact that each carbon atom in graphite
Which one of the following elements will not react with dilute HCl to produce H₂ ?
Which one of the following oxides of nitrogen is known as ‘anhydride’ of nitric acid?
Statement I: Petroleum is a mixture of many different hydrocarbons of different densities.
Statement II: The grade of petroleum depends mainly on the relative proportion of the different hydrocarbons. Codes
Which of the following carbon compounds will not give a sooty flame?
A glass vessel is filled with water up to the brim and a lid is fixed to it tightly. Then it is kept inside a freezer for hours. What is expected to happen?
2 docs|101 tests