The design of rigid rectangular combined footing consist in determining the ____________
Which of the following condition is true regarding the transfer of load from strap to soil, used in strap footing?
If the resultant of the soil pressure coincides with the resultant of the loads, the soil is pressure is assumed to be _____
For a rectangular combined footing, x̅ is given as ___________
The design procedure of strap footing is essentially that of _____________
If the independent spread footing of two columns are connected by a beam, it is called ___________
When the allowable soil is low or the building loads are heavy, the footing used is ___________
In designing rectangular combined footing _________ should be adopted as the design value.
Generally combined footing is assumed to rest on ___________
What will be the shape of footing if a=0, is substituted in the pressure intensity equation “q2 = a. qs”?
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