In which of the following filters, the rate of filtration is highest?
The final loss of head in slow sand filter is ______ than rapid sand filter.
The turbidity of water applied to rapid sand filter is less than _______
The period of cleaning of a slow sand filter is ______ than rapid sand filter.
The bacterial removal efficiency of the rapid sand filter is ______ in comparison to slow sand filter.
How is the grain size distribution of sand in rapid sand filter?
Consider the following statement
1. The penetration of suspended matter is deep in the slow sand filter
2. The penetration of suspended matter is superficial in the rapid sand filter
3. Coagulation is not required in the slow sand filter
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
Consider the following statement
1. The slow sand filter is not efficient in removing turbidity
2. The slow sand filter has a high initial cost
3. Skilled supervision is required in slow sand filter
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
The filter run in rapid sand filter should not be less than _____ hours.
Consider the following statement
1. Slow sand filter is not flexible in variation in demand
2. The rapid sand filter is flexible in fluctuations in demand
3. The method of cleaning of a slow sand filter involves agitation and back-washing
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
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