The OLTF of closed loop system is given by the following Transfer function.
The maximum value of K for which the system just become unstable is-
Which principle specifies the relationship between enclosure of poles & zeros by s-plane contour and the encirclement of origin by q(s) plane contour?
The control system shown in the given fig has an internal rate Feedback loop. The closed-loop system for open and closed condition of the switch will be respectively-
An under damped second order system having Transfer function of the form
has a frequency response shown below, The system gain ‘K’ is...?
The OLTF of -ve UFB control system is given by-
The gain margin (in dB) is given by-
A unity Feed back system has forword loop gain T.F
. The cross over frequency (ωPC) is given by -
The Magnitude Bode Plot of a certain system is shown below.
What will be its Transfer function..?
The T.F. of control system is given by . The polar plot of the system lies in-
Which terminology deals with the excitation or stimulus applied to the system from an external source for the generation of an output?
The response C(t) of a system to an input r(t) is given by the following differential equation:
The Transfer function of the system is given by-
A second order system is defined by the following differential equation
The damping ratio and natural prog. For this system is respectively.
For the given system the magnitude of CLTF sensitivity w.r.t OLTF at frequency ω = 1 rad/sec is ?
Find the impulse response of the system having transfer function each
A closed loop control system has G(S) = 100/S2 and H(S) = (S+1) The steady state output for a unit step
input is…?
(Important - Enter only the numerical value in the answer)
A linear time invariant system initially at rest, when subjected to unit step input gives a response y(t) = te-t, t > 0 The corresponding transfer function is
The responsse of a system is shown by the given wave-form. The correct root location in the S- Plane is ..?
Consider a causal L T I system characterized by the Differential equations
The steady state o/p of the system to input
(Important - Enter only the numerical value in the answer)
The system shown in the given fig. is subjected to a unit rump input.
On closing the switches
The impulse response of an initially relaxed linear system is e-2t , t > 0. To produce a response of t e- 2t , t >0, The input must be equal to -
A control system is discribed by the following equation -
The Natural time constants of the system are-
The root location for a second order system is shown, the dumping ratio and natural freq. of system is respectively
Consider UFB system with forward path T.F
The range of K for which system is stable
An open loop control system results in a response of
(10e-2t - 3e-t) u(t)
For an unit impulse input. The D.C. gain of control system is….....?
(Important - Enter only the numerical value in the answer)
For the given system the value of K and so that the system oscillates at freq. ω = 1 rad/sec.
(Important - Enter only the numerical value in the answer)
A system with derivative controller is given as below. The value of KD for which the damping ratio becomes 0.8 is ?
(Important - Enter only the numerical value in the answer)
25 docs|247 tests
25 docs|247 tests