The convective heat transfer coefficient in laminar flow over a flat plate
For laminar flow over a flat plate, the average value of Nusselt number is prescribed by the relation
Nu = 0.664 (Re) 0.5 (Pr) 0.33
Which of the following is then a false statement?
For turbulent flow over a flat plate, the average value of Nusselt number is prescribed by the relation
Nu = 0.664 (Re) 0.5 (Pr) 0.33
Which of the following is then a false statement?
The average heat transfer coefficient increases as
A nuclear reactor with its core constructed of parallel vertical plates 2.25 m high and 1.5 m wide has been designed on free convection heating of liquid bismuth. Metallurgical considerations limit the maximum surface temperature of the plate to 975 degree Celsius and the lowest allowable temperature of bismuth is 325 degree Celsius. Estimate the maximum possible heat dissipation from both sides of each plate. The appropriate correlation for the convection coefficient is
Nu = 0.13 (Gr Pr) 1/3
Consider the above problem, find the value of Grashoff number
A thin walled duct of 0.5 m diameter has been laid in an atmosphere of quiescent air at 15 degree Celsius and conveys a particular gas at 205 degree Celsius. Base your calculations on one meter length of the duct, estimate the convective coefficient of heat transfer
The free convection coefficient is given by
h = C 1 d t m/l 1 – 3m
The value of exponent for laminar flow is
For inclined plates we multiply Grashoff number with
The free convection coefficient is given by
h = C 1 d t m/l 1 – 3m
The value of exponent for turbulent flow is
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