Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
1. Piezometric head : Sum of datum head and pressure head
2. Dynamic head : Sum of datum head and velocity head
3. Stagnation head : Sum of piezometric head and velocity head
4. Total head : Sum of piezometric head and dynamic head
Under which of the following conditions will the equation = constant will be valid in the whole flow field?
1. Flow is rotational
2. Flow is irrotational
3. Flow is incompressible
4. Flow is steady
5. Flow is laminar
Match List-I (Phenomenon) with List-ll (Equation/concept involved) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
A. Force developed in a bend
B. Pitot-static tube
C. Flow through smaller passage produces higher velocity
D. Vortex flow
1. Continuity equation
2. Energy equation
3. Momentum equation
4. Moment of momentum equation
The Bernoulli’s equation is written with usual notation as constant . In this equation, each of the terms represents
The difference between the total head line and the hydraulic grade line represents
The dimension of kinetic energy correction factor α is
The kinetic energy correction factor a is defined as α =
where ,
V - average velocity in the cross-section
A 2-D conduit has the velocity distributions shown in figure below. What is kinetic energy correction factor? (Consider unit width of conduit)
A pitot-static tube is used to measure the velocity of water in a pipe. The stagnation pressure head is 6 m and static pressure head is 5 m. The velocity of flow is [Take coefficient of velocity as 0.98]
A sub-marine moves horizontally in sea and has its axis 15 m below the surface of water. A pitot- tube properly placed just in front of the sub-marine and along its axis is connected to the two limbs of a U-tube manometer containing mercury. The difference of mercury level is found to be 170 mm. What is the speed of the sub-marine knowing that the specific gravity of mercury is 13.6 and that of sea-water is 1.026 with respect to fresh water?
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