An internally compensated op amp is specified to have an open-loop dc gain of 106 dB and a unity gain bandwidth of 3 MHz. Find fb and the open-loop gain at fb.
A single-pole model has __________ db/decade roll-off of the gain.
Single-pole model is also known as
An op amp having a 106-dB gain at dc and a single-pole frequency response with ft = 2 MHz is used to design a non-inverting amplifier with nominal dc gain of 100. The 3-dB frequency of the closed-loop gain is
An internally compensated op amp has a dc open-loop gain of 106 V/V and an AC open-loop gain of 40 dB at 10 kHz. Estimate its gain–bandwidth product and its expected gain at 1 kHz.
An inverting amplifier with nominal gain of −20 V/V employs an op amp having a dc gain of 104 and a unity-gain frequency of 106 Hz. What is the 3-dB frequency f3dB of the closed-loop amplifier?
cascading two identical amplifier stages, each having a low-pass STC frequency response with a 3dB frequency f1, results in an overall amplifier with a 3dB frequency given by
Find the ft required for internally compensated op amps to be used in the implementation of the closed loop amplifiers with dc gain of +100 V/V and 3db bandwidth of 100kHz?
A particular op amp, characterized by a gain–bandwidth product of 20 MHz, is operated with a closed-loop gain of +100 V/V. What 3-dB bandwidth results? At what frequency does the closed-loop amplifier exhibit a −6° phase shift?
Find the ft required for internally compensated op amps to be used in the implementation of the closed loop amplifiers with dc gain of -2 V/V and 3db bandwidth of 10 MHz?
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