(Q.1-Q.3) A parallel resonant circuit has a resistance of 2k ohm and half power frequencies of 86 kHz and 90 kHz.
Q. The value of capacitor is
(Q.4-Q.5) A parallel resonant circuit has a midband admittance of 25 X 10(-3) S, quality factor of 80 and a resonant frequency of 200 krad s.4. The value of R (in ohm) is
A parallel RLC circuit has R 1 k and C 1 F. The quality factor at resonance is 200. The value of inductor is
A parallel circuit has R = 1k ohm , C = 50 µF and L = 10mH. The quality factor at resonance is
A series resonant circuit has L = 1 mH and C = 10 F. The required R (in ohm) for the BW = 15 9 . Hz is
For the RLC parallel resonant circuit when R = 8k, L = 40 mH and C = 0.25 F, the quality factorQ is
A series resonant circuit has an inductor L = 10 mH. The resonant frequency w = 10^6 rad/s and bandwidth is BW = 103 rad/s. The value of R and C will be
The value of input frequency is required to cause a gain equal to 1.5. The value is
In the circuit shown phase shift equal to 45 degrees and is required at frequency w = 20 rad/s. The value of R (in kilo-ohm) is
For the circuit shown the input frequency is adjusted until the gain is equal to 0.6. The value of the frequency is
For a stable closed loop system, the gain at phase crossover frequency should always be:
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