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Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Computer Science Engineering (CSE) MCQ

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10 Questions MCQ Test Question Bank for GATE Computer Science Engineering - Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1

Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) 2025 is part of Question Bank for GATE Computer Science Engineering preparation. The Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Computer Science Engineering (CSE) exam syllabus.The Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 MCQs are made for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 below.
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Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 1

If a node has K children in B tree, then the node contains exactly keys.

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 1

If, a node has K children in B-tree, then the node contains exactly K - 1 keys

Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 2

The time complexity of the following C function is, (assume n> 0)
int recursive (int n )
{ if ( n = = 1)
return (1);
return (recursive ( n - 1) + recursive ( n - 1));

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 2

T(n) = T ( n - 1) + T ( n - 1)+1
[recursive (n - 1) = T( n - 1)]
= 2T( n - 1)+1 = O(2n [using substitution method]

Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 3

The number of spanning trees for a complete graph with seven vertices is

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 3

Number of spanning tree possible with n-node = nn-2
Given, n = 7
Total number of spanning trees = 75

Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 4

if one uses straight two-way merge sort algorithm to sort the following elements in ascending order:
20, 47, 15, 8, 9, 4, 40, 30, 12, 17
Then the order of these elements after second pass of the algorithm is

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 4

Given array:

So, the order of elements after second pass of the algorithm is 8,15,20,47, 4,9,30,40,12,17

Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 5

Consider the following sorting algorithms:
1. Quicksort
2. Heapsort
3. Mergesort

Which of them perform in least time in the worst case?

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 5

Worst case time complexity of Quick sort
= O(n2) when input is already sorted,
Worst case time complexity of Heap sort = O(n log n).
Worst case time complexity of Merge sort = O(n log n).

Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 6

The number of articulation points of the following graph is:

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 6

An articulation point (or cut vertex) is that vertex removing which (along with its edges) disconnects the graph.

Therefore number of articulation points is 3.

Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 7

Consider the following tree:

If the post order traversal gives ab - cd* + then the label of the nodes 1,2, 3, ... will be

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 7

Post order traversal = a b - cd*+. As we know that post order traversal goes in the order of LEFT CHILD - RIGHT CHILD - PARENT  (ROOT)

Hence, Label of 4,5,2 will be a, b, - respectively
Label of 6,7,3 will be c, d, - respectively

Label of 1 will be +

Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 8

The expression tree given in figure evaluates to 1, if

1. a = - b and e = 0
2. a = - b and e = 1
3. a = b and e = 0
4. a = b and e = 1

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 8

The corresponding expression is - (- a - b) + e!
This is 1 if a = - b and e is either 1 or 0, since 1! = 0! = 1

Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 9

Match List-I with List-ll and select the correct answer using the codes given beiow the lists:
A. All pairs shortest path
B. Quick sort
C. Minimum weight spanning tree
D. Connected Components
1. Greedy
2. Depth-first search
3. Dynamic programming
4. Divide and conquer 

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 9

All pairs shortest path is find using Floyd Warshall algorithm, which is an example of dynamic programming.

  • Quick sort and merge sort are example of “divide and conquer” algorithms.
  • MST or minimum weight spanning tree is a tree with a subset of edges such that it connects all vertices and summation of edge weight is minimum Prim’s algo and Kruskal’s algorithm are used for this, which are examples of greedy approach.
  • By using Depth First Search (DFS) one can easily find set of connected components.
Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 10

Consider the following tree:

If this tree is used for sorting, then a new number 8 should be place as the

Detailed Solution for Test: Miscellaneous Topics- 1 - Question 10

Since the tree is used for sorting hence taking INORDER TRAVERSAL (Left-Root-Right) we have 8 placed at the left child of the node labeled 10.

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