Two balls are thrown simultaneously in air. The acceleration of the centre of mass of the two balls, while in air
A shell following a parabolic path explodes somewhere in its flight. The centre of mass of fragments will continue to move in
Two particles A and B of mass ‘m’ move towards each other under a mutual force of attraction. If velocity of A is 2 v and that of B is v, calculate the velocity of centre of mass of the system.
Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 are moving such that their momentums are equal and opposite. The velocity of centre of mass of system of two bodies is:
Two spheres of masses m1 and m2 (m1>m2) respectively are tied to the ends of a light, inextensible string which passes over a light frictionless pulley. When the masses are released from their initial state of rest, the acceleration of their centre of mass is:
When a fire cracker initially at rest, explodes into a number of fragments, the centre of mass
A radioactive nucleus of mass M moving along the positive x-direction with speed v emits an alpha particle of mass m. If the alpha particle proceeds along the positive y-direction, the centre of mass of the system (made of the daughter nucleus and the alpha particle) will:
Which of the following options are correct,
where i, j and k are unit vectors along the x, y and z axis?
There are two particles of masses m and 2m placed at a distance‘d’ apart on a smooth horizontal surface. Where will the collision occur (with respect to original positions), if they are allowed to move towards each other because of their mutual attraction?
A proton and an electron, initially at rest, are allowed to move under their mutal attractive force. Their centre of mass will:
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