Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. By Ptolemy V’s reign in 205 BC, Egypt was in open revolt and the Rosetta stone was one of many that Ptolemy commissioned as a piece of political propaganda in 196 BC, to state publicly his claim to be the rightful pharaoh of Egypt.
B. These Greek rulers could neither speak the language of the people nor read hieroglyphs, and this fuelled resentment amongst the population.
C. Beginning with the conquest of Alexander the Great in 332 BC, Greek was the language of the governing elite in Egypt.
D. Without the Rosetta stone, we would know nothing of the ancient Egyptians, and the details of their three thousand years of history would remain a mystery.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. You will know that it has because you will start experiencing aha moments with respect to that problem.
B. Once you admit that your unconscious mind is the source of whatever brilliance you possess, you can take steps to extract the maximum possible benefit from your association with it.
C. What you must instead do is interest your unconscious mind in working on a problem by working on it with your conscious mind
D. What you will quickly discover is that it can’t be ordered about.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. Cognitive science, however, tells us that students need to develop these different ways of thinking by means of extended, focused mental effort.
B. NO matter what happens in the relatively brief period students spend in the classroom, there is not enough time to develop the long-term memory structures required for subject mastery.
C. A traditional science instructor concentrates on teaching factual knowledge, with the implicit assumption that expert-like ways of thinking about the subject are already present.
D. To ensure that the necessary extended effort is made, teachers need to engage students in thinking deeply about the subject at an appropriate level, monitor that thinking and guide it to be more expert-like.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. This is nothing remotely like "nature fighting back." This is merely nature operating exactly the way we know it operates, the way it has been operating here for some three and a half billion years
B. Very simply, all too often we've acted as though we could make these small, fast breeding creatures extinct down to the very last member, the way we might do with elephants or pandas
C. We can say, "Yes, it's true that we drive a couple hundred species to extinction every day, but there are tens of millions --hundreds of millions--between us and catastrophe."
D. But of course this constitutes a fundamental misunderstanding of biological realities. What we've done in actual fact is make ourselves the chief agent of natural selection in these enemy species.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. What we call “fundamentalism" has always existed in a symbiotic relationship with a secularization that is experienced as cruel, violent and invasive.
B. Historically, wherever secular governments were established to separate religion and politics, a counter-cultural movement developed in response, determined to bring religion back into public life.
C. In the developing world, secularization usually came with colonial rule; it was hence seen as a foreign import and rejected as profoundly unnatural.
D. All too often an aggressive secularism has pushed religion into a violent riposte.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. In the entire body of Harappan and other Indus art and sculpture there are no monuments erected to glorify warfare and no depictions of war or conquered enemies.
B. It is speculated that the rulers might have been wealthy merchants, or powerful landlords or spiritual leaders, who showed their power and status through the use of seals and fine jewelry.
C. Decorated with animal motifs, many of the seals, the most commonly found objects in Harappan cities, are inscribed with short pieces of the Indus script.
D. It appears that the Harappan and other Indus rulers governed their cities through the control of trade and religion, not by military might.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. Besides generating buzz, a season-based reality show does as well as a top-five show in terms of viewership.
B. The key, then, is for channels to find bankable reality formats and milk them till the cows come home.
C. Then again, they have realized that the easier way to gain ad revenue to cover costs is by luring advertisers to a fail-proof, steady-TRP format like reality TV.
D. The nearly 15% year-on-year rise in production cost levels for reality shows has networks rattled.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. In China, for example, World Bank money has not been so important quantitatively, yet the Chinese generally credit the bank for having helpful blueprints and information.
B. While most of US$800 billion invested in infrastructure in developing countries each year comes from domestic sources, the provision of infrastructure financing by multilateral development institutions globally is important.
C. By contrast, their greatest failures have come from funding grandiose projects that benefit the current elite, but do not properly balance environmental, social, and development priorities.
D. Multilateral development institutions have had their most consistent success when they serve as “knowledge" banks, helping to share experience, best practices, and technical knowledge across regions.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. Forecasts say that in just two years, the total quantum of e-waste generated around the world will be 50 million tonnes.
B. In China, for instance, 73.9 million computers, 0.25 billion mobile phones and 56.6 million televisions were sold in 2011.
C. Close to 90 per cent of the world’s electronic waste — worth nearly $19 billion — is illegally traded or dumped each year, to destinations half way across the world.
D. While Europe and North America are by far the largest producers of e-waste, Asia’s cities are fast catching up as consumers of electronic goods and as generators of e-waste.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. There is a special intimacy to poetry because, in this idea of the art, the medium is not an expert's body, as when one goes to the ballet: in poetry, the medium is the audience's body.
B. In such movement the image fully becomes an intellectual and emotional complex because it dramatically exists both in the space of description and in the time of musical structure.
C. The luminous details in poetry must not only be precise, they must also be rendered so as to elicit and reward a dynamic sense of movement.
D. Poetry is a centaur. The thinking word-arranging, clarifying faculty must move and leap with the energizing, sentient, musical faculties.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. In 400 BC, Leonidas' 300 Spartans died at Thermopylae in Greece while their countrymen vied at Olympia.
B. Troops were forbidden to enter the sacred Olympic precinct; but they were there in 420 B.C. when a Spartan attack was feared. Spartans had been banned from competing.
C. And yet, Spartan-like, America was represented at the Games while she was still fighting in Vietnam.
D. Civilization has advanced since then and—commendably — Olympiads of 1916, 1940 and 1944 were cancelled due to worldwide conflagration.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. A mixture of vagueness and sheer incompetence is the most marked characteristic of modern English prose, and especially of any kind of political writing.
B. It follows that any struggle against the abuse of language is a sentimental archaism, like preferring candles to electric light or hansom cabs to aeroplanes.
C. Prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated hen-house.
D. As soon as certain topics are raised, the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. Rowling’s declarations on Twitter on what she “always thought" of a particular character are not only newsworthy, but a cause for pride.
B. Rowling seems eager to retain an influence on how we understand her books by revealing ostensibly new information about her characters.
C. Rowling’s chances for being a diverse author lie in the future, not the past.
D. Whether these character points were announced to readers via Twitter or alluded to within the Potter books, however, the meanings that we as a diverse international community of readers wish to take from them trump Rowling’s intentions as an author.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. Consumers prefer reliability when it’s available, and giving the state’s imprimatur to legalized gambling goes a long way toward ensuring that.
B. Legalizing gambling would only ramp up the incentive to find new ways to fix games.
C. In Britain, betting shops were legalized in 1961, and giant gambling companies, like William Hill and Ladbrokes, watch out for suspiciously prescient bets.
D. Taking gambling into the light makes the marketplace more hostile to cheaters.
Instructions: For the following questions answer them individually
Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
A. Since birds are the modern descendants of dinosaurs, they are likely to have once had teeth instead of beaks.
B. However, 100 million years ago a diverse range of non-avian dinosaurs spouted all manner of plumage, and like modern birds, doubtless made a great deal of use of them, even if they could not fly.
C. This fact became known way back in 1861 when paleontologists discovered a bird fossil, about 150 million years old, now classified as Archaeopteryx, which had teeth.
D. Researchers have now published details of how avian edentulism occurred in one common bird ancestor more than 100 million years ago.
115 videos|382 docs|95 tests
115 videos|382 docs|95 tests