Instruments for measuring the intensity of incoming radiation are called
The relationship between wind direction and pressure gradient Is stated as follows:
If an observer stands with his back to the wind in the northern hemisphere the lower pressure is
A precipitation in the form of water droplets of size less than 0.5 mm and intensity less than 1 mm/h is known as
The Indian Meteorological department has changed over from Symon’s, gauge to fibreglass raingauges of two sizes. The collector areas of these gauges are:
In installing a raingauge network, the relevant Indian standard recommend that
If ’p’ is the precipitation, ‘a’ is the area represented by a rain gauge, and ‘n' is the number of rain gauges in a catchment area, then the weighted mean rainfall is
Mean precipitation over an area is best obtained from gauged amounts by
Which one of the following defines Aridity index (AI)?
(where AET = Actual Evapotranspiration and PET = Potential Evapotranspiration)
Which one of the following is not a major type of storm precipitation?