Which one of the following statements is not correct?
Root locus of s(s+2)+K(s+4) =0 is a circle. What are the coordinates of the center of this circle?
The main objective of drawing root locus plot is :
While increasing the value of gain K, the system becomes
The addition of open loop poles pulls the root locus towards:
Routh Hurwitz criterion is better than root locus.
Consider the following statements regarding root loci:
Number of roots of characteristic equation is equal to the number of ______________
Which of the following statements are correct?
Consider the loop transfer function K(s+6)/(s+3)(s+5) In the root locus diagram the centroid will be located at:
Which one of the following applications software’s is used to obtain an accurate root locus for?
Which one of the following is not the property of root loci?
The breakaway point calculated mathematically must always lie on the root locus.
What is the number of the root locus segments which do not terminate on zeroes?
Which one of the following are correct?The root locus is the path of the roots of the characteristic equation traced out in the s-plane?
If the gain of the system is reduced to a zero value, the roots of the system in the s-plane,
The addition of open loop zero pulls the root loci towards:
If root loci plots of a particular control system do not intersect the imaginary axis at any point, then the gain margin of the system will be:
When the number of poles is equal to the number of zeroes, how many branches of root locus tends towards infinity?