A firm can sell as much as it wants at the market price. The situation is related to?
Globalization has made Indian Market as?
When AR = Rs. 10 and AC = Rs. 8, the firm makes?
A competitive firm in the short run incurs losses. The firm continues production, if?
In the long run the market price of a commodity is equal to its minimum average cost of production under the___________?
While a seller under perfect competition equates price and MC to maximize profits a monopolist should equate?
Marginal revenue in any competitive situation is?
A rational consumer is a person who?
In which of the following types of market structures, are resources, assumed to be mobile?
At producer’s equilibrium when MR=MC, the firm earns only
Beyond producer’s equilibrium when MR<MC, the firm earns only
Before producer’s equilibrium when MR > MC, the firm earns only
A producer’s equilibrium is a situation when
The elasticity at a point on a straight line supply curve passing through the origin will be
The elasticity at a point on a straight-line supply curve passing through the origin making an angle of 45° will be
Under perfect competition the number of firms
When ___________, the firms are earning just normal profit:
Which of the following is the condition for equilibrium of a firm?
In perfect competition, since the firm is a price taker, the ________ curve is straight line
Other name by which average revenue curve known:
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