If light was of purely wave nature, the total energy radiated by a black-body would be (T is the temperature of the blackbody)
Two particles are said to be distinguishable when
A reversible heat engine (Carnot engine) with a monatomic gas molecules as the working substance. If a diatomic molecules is used as the working substance, the efficiency of the same engine is
Due to outside heat and green house effect in a glass-sealed room in a building, the energy inside increases at the rate of 0.5 kJ hour (which leads to increase in the temperature of the room). To make the room comfortable. an air conditioner is fitted. The room is to be kept at a cozy 200C against 400C outside. Assuming the air-conditioner is able to work at its maximum performance. How many units of electricity is consumed by the air-conditioner (in units of kJ hour)? (upto 2 decimal places)
The plot that describes an engine underdoing a thermodynamic process with maximum efficiency is
The density fluctuations in a pure substance are maximum at its
The density of states for a system of 4 electrons in a 2-D space having total energy in the range (E, E + dE) is proportional to
A collection of 20 non-rigid diatomic molecules can be described by a phase space of dimension ________
A particle of mass m starts from rest a height H and moves under the gravitational force mg. It strikes a horizontal surface with a coefficient of restitution equal to a perfect one. The phase space diagram of the particle is ('h' is height from the surface)
3 identical spin 1/2 fermions are to be filled in 2 non-degenerate energy states. If a magnetic field is switched on in the direction, how many distinct configurations of fermions in the given energy states arise?
A rigid linear diatomic ideal gas at room temperatrue is expanded at constant presure. What percentage of the heat supplied is used to increase the internal energy of the gas? (Answer must be given upto 2 decimal places)
A classical ideal gas of atoms with masses 'm' is confined in a 2-D potential given by
at a temperature T. If kB is the Boltzmann constant, the value of
If a body radiates heat to the outside such that the entropy of the universe increases propotional to T2. and the heat radiated is propotional to Tα, then α is __________
What is the minimum attainable pressure of an ideal gas in the process by T= a+bV2?
In S-dimensions, two metals A and B have the ratio of Fermi energies as If the ratio of the number densities of free electrons in the metals is 4 : 9, then the value of S' is _______
A vertically suspended square plate of side 'a' acts as adsorbent molecules of particular gas having N identical molecules out of a mixture once adsorbed, the gas molecules are free to move in the square plate but do not possess the energy to escape. The average energy of the gas at low temperatures (mga » kBT) is
3- particles are to be distributed in 5 non degenerate energy levels. Let 'SD' be the entropy of such a system if the particles are distinguishable and 'SB be the entropy if they are indistinguishable particles of integral spin. Then SD - SB = ________ kB (upto 2 decimal places)
3- particles are to be distributed in 5 non degenerate energy levels. Let 'SD' be the entropy of such a system if the particles are distinguishable and 'SB' be the entropy if they are indistinguishable particles of integral spin. Then SD-SB = _____ kB (upto 2 decimal places)
Photons can undergo Bose-Einstein condensation because
N non-interacting particles with magnetic moments are subjected to a magnetic field
along the
direction. Each magnetic moment lias a doubly degenerate energy level zero and non-degenerate energy levels of energies -μH and μH. The collection is in thermal equilibrium with a heat reservoir at temperature T. The magnetisation per particle is
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