In a complete k-ary tree, every internal node has exactly k children or no child. The number of leaves in such a tree with n internal nodes is:
The maximum number of binary trees that can be formed with three unlabeled nodes is:
The number of leaf nodes in a rooted tree of n nodes, with each node having 0 or 3 children is:
A complete n-ary tree is a tree in which each node has n children or no children. Let I be the number of internal nodes and L be the number of leaves in a complete n-ary tree. If L = 41, and I = 10, what is the value of n?
A scheme for storing binary trees in an array X is as follows. Indexing of X starts at 1 instead of 0. the root is stored at X[1]. For a node stored at X[i], the left child, if any, is stored in X[2i] and the right child, if any, in X[2i+1]. To be able to store any binary tree on n vertices the minimum size of X should be.
Postorder traversal of a given binary search tree, T produces the following sequence of keys
10, 9, 23, 22, 27, 25, 15, 50, 95, 60, 40, 29
Which one of the following sequences of keys can be the result of an in-order traversal of the tree T? (GATE CS 2005)
Consider the following nested representation of binary trees: (X Y Z) indicates Y and Z are the left and right sub stress, respectively, of node X. Note that Y and Z may be NULL, or further nested. Which of the following represents a valid binary tree?
In a binary tree with n nodes, every node has an odd number of descendants. Every node is considered to be its own descendant. What is the number of nodes in the tree that have exactly one child?
The height of a tree is the length of the longest root-to-leaf path in it. The maximum and minimum number of nodes in a binary tree of height 5 are
A binary tree T has 20 leaves. The number of nodes in T having two children is
Consider a complete binary tree where the left and the right subtrees of the root are max-heaps. The lower bound for the number of operations to convert the tree to a heap is
Breadth First Search (BFS) is started on a binary tree beginning from the root vertex. There is a vertex t at a distance four from the root. If t is the n-th vertex in this BFS traversal, then the maximum possible value of n is ________.
The number of structurally different possible binary trees with 4 nodes is
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