Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
i. Institutions operate based on established rules and norms, which can be formal or informal.
ii. The functionalist perspective views social institutions as systems that emerge solely to benefit dominant groups in society.
iii. Family and religion are classified as informal social institutions, while law and education are considered formal institutions.
iv. The conflict perspective emphasizes that social institutions contribute to social equality across different groups.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
i. A family is defined as a group of individuals connected solely by marriage.
ii. The functionalist perspective views the nuclear family as the ideal unit for meeting society's basic needs.
iii. In a nuclear family, the husband typically assumes the "affective" role of emotional care.
iv. Kinship links can be established through both blood relations and marriage.
Assertion (A): Stateless societies maintain order through informal social mechanisms rather than formal governmental structures.
Reason (R): Modern states rely solely on formal institutions and laws to maintain order.
Assertion (A): The concept of sovereignty is central to the definition of modern states.
Reason (R): Sovereignty allows states to exercise power without external interference, which is essential for citizenship rights.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
i. Work is often perceived as exclusively paid employment, which oversimplifies the nature of work.
ii. The informal economy is included in official employment statistics and reflects a significant portion of the workforce.
iii. Modern societies are characterized by a complex division of labor, which contrasts with the more generalized roles in pre-modern economies.
iv. Industrialization led to the separation of work from home environments, centralizing labor in factories.
Which sociologist linked Calvinism to the rise of capitalism?
What term describes the ultimate and uncontested political authority of a state over a defined territorial area?
Which of the following family structures involves living with the wife’s parents?
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Widow remarriage was historically restricted among upper-caste Hindus.
Statement II: Village exogamy is practiced to encourage frequent visits from married daughters to their parents.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
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