A hydraulic jump in a control meter will be formed above the control, if its original
Prof. Running suggested the method for extending the discharge curve. It is known as
If y is the depth of water at any section, then the mean velocity is
For computing the run off volumes of large areas, number of infiltrations used are
From the Survey of India map, the distance of the critical point is 20 km and difference in elevation is 193 m. The over land flow time, is
If the area of storm hydrograph is equal to 102 cm, the ordinates of a unit hydrograph may be obtained by dividing the ordinates of the storm hydrograph by
If s is the potential infiltration, P is rainfall in cm in a drainage of a soil with fair pasture cover, the direct run off Q in cm is given by
If the potential infiltration of a water shed having a soil with fair pasture cover, is 10 cm and rainfall is 12 cm, the direct run off is :
The quantity of water retained by the sub-soil against gravity, is known
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :
With the usual meanings ofletters, the equation is used for determining the velocity of ground water flow in metres per day. It is known as
If the viscosity of ground water is 1.00, the Slitcher's constant is 400, the effective size of soil particles in acquifer is 0.5 mm and hydraulic gradient is 1 in 80, the velocity of flow is
Pick up the correct statement from the following :
In the derivation of Thiem's formula , the following assumption is not applicable
A well penetrates to 30 m below the static water table. After 24 hours of pumping at 31.40 litres/minute, the water level in a test well at a distance of 80 m is lowered by 0.5 m and in a well 20 m away water is lowered by 1.0 m. The transmissibility of the auifer, is
Consumptive use of a crop during growth, is the amount of
For calculating the evaporation rate over a reservoir surface E = 0.771 (1.465 - 0.00732 B) (0.44 - 0.007375 V) (pe - pa), the equation is given by
For the estimate of high floods in fan-shaped catchment, the formula used is
Ryve's formula for flood estimate in cumecs, is