"The curriculum must enable children to find their voices, nurture their curiosity—to do things, to ask questions and to pursue investigations, sharing and integrating their experiences with school knowledge—rather than their ability to reproduce textual knowledge." (National Curriculum Framework 2005, pg-13)
Against this backdrop, what should be the primary role of a teacher?
______ exhibits a basic level of order, but the teacher still struggles to maintain it.
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What is the structure of school education as recommended by the National Education Policy 2020?
(i) 5 + 3 + 3 + 4
(ii) 2 + 3 + 3 + 4
(iii) 2 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 2
(iv) 5 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2
एक विदेशी भाषा को पढ़ाने में अनुक्रमण के सिद्धांतों में शामिल नहीं है:
दिए गए गद्यांश के आधार पर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प का चयन कीजिए।
गोंड जनजाति, भारत की एक प्रमुख जातीय समुदाय हैं। भारत के कटि प्रदेश- विंध्यपर्वत, सिवान, सतपुड़ा पठार, छत्तीसगढ़ मैदान में दक्षिण तथा दक्षिण-पश्चिम - में गोदावरी नदी तक फैले हुए पहाड़ों और जंगलों में रहने वाली आस्ट्रोलायड नस्ल तथा द्रविड़ परिवार की एक जनजाति, जो संभवत: पाँचवीं-छठी शताब्दी में दक्षिण से गोदावरी के तट को पकड़कर मध्य भारत के पहाड़ों में फैल गई। यह एक स्वतंत्र जनजाति थी, जिसका अपना राज्य था और जिसके 52 गढ़ थे। मध्य भारत में 14वीं से 18वीं शताब्दी तक इसका राज्य रहा था। मुग़ल शासकों और मराठा शासकों ने इन पर आक्रमण कर इनके क्षेत्र पर अधिकार कर लिया और इन्हें घने जंगलों तथा पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों में शरण लेने को बाध्य किया। गोंड जनजाति के लोग काले तथा गहरे भूरे रंग के होते हैं। गोंड अपने वातावरण द्वारा प्रस्तुत भोजन सामग्री एवं कृषि से प्राप्त वस्तुओं पर अधिक निर्भर रहते हैं। इनका मुख्य भोजन कोदों, ज्वार और कुटकी मोटे अनाज होते हैं, जिन्हें पानी में उबालकर 'झोल' या 'राबड़ी' अथवा 'दलिया' के रूप में दिन में तीन बार खाया जाता है। रात्रि में चावल अधिक पसन्द किये जाते हैं। कभी-कभी कोदों और कुटकी के साथ सब्जी एवं दाल का भी प्रयोग किया जाता है। गोंड खेतिहर हैं और परंपरा से दहिया खेती करते हैं जो जंगल को जलाकर उसकी राख में की जाती है और जब एक स्थान की उर्वरता तथा जंगल समाप्त हो जाता है तब वहाँ से हटकर दूसरे स्थान को चुन लेते हैं। किंतु सरकारी निषेध के कारण यह प्रथा बहुत कम हो गई है। अनेक गोंड लंबे समय से हिन्दू धर्म तथा संस्कृति के प्रभाव में हैं और कितनी ही जातियों तथा कबीलों ने बहुत से हिन्दू विश्वासों, देवी देवताओं, रीति रिवाजों तथा वेशभूषा को अपना लिया है। पुरानी प्रथा के अनुसार मृतकों को दफनाया जाता है, किंतु बड़े और धनी लोगों के शव को जलाया जाने लगा है। स्त्रियाँ तथा बच्चे दफनाए जाते हैं।
Q. गोंड जनजाति किस परिवार की एक जनजाति है?
नीचे दो कथन दिए गए हैं, एक को अभिकथन (A) के रूप में और दूसरे को कारण (R) के रूप में समतल किया गया है।
अभिकथन (A) : व्याकरण किसी भी भाषा की रीढ़ की हड्डी होती है, गर्भ ही वाक्यों को जन्म देता है।
तर्क (R) : यदि शिक्षक मानक पाठ्यपुस्तक का उपयोग करके व्याकरण पढ़ाता है तो व्याकरण के नियम आसान हो जाते हैं।
किसी विषय, वस्तु, दृश्य, घटना या वातावरण के संदर्भ में हम जो कुछ मौलिक ढंग से सोचते हैं, जो विचार हमारे मन में आता है, उसकी कल्पना में जो चिन्तन चलता है तथा जिन्हें हम शब्दों और वाक्यों की सहायता से मौखिक या लिखित रूप में व्यक्त करते हैं, वह है:
निर्देशः नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न के सही / सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए।
भाषा सीखने में शब्दकोश का बहुत महत्त्व है। निम्नलिखित में से शब्दकोश का सबसे कम महत्त्वपूर्ण उपयोग कौन-सा होगा?
निदानात्मक परीक्षण में किसे महत्व दिया जाता है?
निर्देश: निम्नलिखित पद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए व प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:
पूछता क्यों शेष कितनी रात ?
अमर सम्पुट में ढला तू,
छू नखों की कांति चिर संकेत पर जिन के जला तू,
स्निग्ध सुधि जिन की लिये कज्जल-दिशा में हँस चला तू!
परिधि बन घेरे तुझे वे उँगलियाँ अवदात !
झर गए खद्योग सारे;
तिमिर-वात्याचक्र में सब पिस गये अनमोल तारे,
बुझ गई पवि के हृदय में काँप कर विद्युत-शिखा रे !
साथ तेरा चाहती एकाकिनी बरसात !
व्यंगमय है क्षितिज-घेरा
प्रश्नमय हर क्षण निठुर-सा पूछता परिचय बसेरा,
आज उत्तर हो सभी का ज्वालवाही श्वास तेरा !
छीजता है इधर तू उस ओर बढ़ता प्रात !
Q. 'विद्युत-शिखा' में कौनसा समास है?
Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate options:
A duty is an obligation. It is something we owe to others as social beings when we live together. We must let others live with us. My right of living implies my duty to my fellow beings to allow them the same conditions of life. In fact, rights and duties are correlated. What is a right in regard to one may be a duty in regard to others Rights and duties are two sides of the same coin. We should always observe from the standpoint of others. Moral duty is more effective than legal rights. A moral duty is that which is binding upon the people on moral grounds. It is my moral duty to help the poor because of being a member of the society.
I must try to create conditions that contribute to the welfare of humanity. Similarly, I owe a duty to my parents—to be obedient and respectful to them. This duty originates from the sense of responsibility which is directly related to our conscience. So, this is concerned with a moral duty which any person owes without a legal bondage.
A sense of duty is paramount for the proper development of civilization. Hypocrisy is quite reverse to the sense of duty. It involves wickedness, while duty involves sincerity and faithfulness.
Q. Why should I be obedient and respectful to my parents?
Direction: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Some words may be highlighted for you. Pay careful attention.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX has been testing the Starlink satellite broadband service which boasts of a speed boost of around 300mbps and latency reduction to around 20ms. Musk confirmed the speed boost in response to a tweet by a user who received the Starlink broadband kit in the United States and shared a screenshot of the service offering them broadband speeds of 130mbps. "Speed will double to ~300Mb/s & latency will drop to ~20ms later this year," he said. During the beta testing phase, Starlink offered users a broadband speed between 50mbps and 150mbps with the latency expected between 20ms and 40ms, depending on location. In this phase, the Starlink kit included a phased-arrayed satellite dish, a tripod and a Wi-Fi router. SpaceX says that the Starlink satellite broadband service will cover most of the Earth by the end of the year which means that the service could also be expanded in India although there is no confirmed roadmap for the same. SpaceX has already submitted its recommendations to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) last year for introducing satellite broadband in India.
"Most of Earth by end of the year, all by next year, then it’s about densifying coverage. Important to note that cellular will always have the advantage in dense urban areas. Satellites are best for low to medium population density areas," tweeted Musk.
Q. Give another word for the underlined word in the given line - "SpaceX has already submitted its recommendations to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) last year for introducing satellite broadband in India."
Directions: Read the given poem and answer the question that follows by selecting the most appropriate option.
As I Watch You Grow
Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow into what you will be.
You came from within, from just beneath my heart.
It's there you'll always be, though your own life will now start.
You're growing so fast it sends me a whirl,
With misty eyes I ask, Where's my little girl?
I know sometimes to you I seem harsh and so unfair,
But one day you will see, I taught you well because I care.
The next few years will so quickly fly,
With laughter and joy, mixed with a few tears to cry.
As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact you must know,
You'll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go.
You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear,
For all you dreams and goals sit before you very near.
With God's love in your heart and the world by its tail,
You'll always be my winner, and victory will prevail.
For you this poem was written, with help from above,
To tell you in a rhythm of your Mother's heartfelt love!
Q. An antonym for the word 'harsh' is
Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Initiatives such as “4 per mille” and Terraton aim to sequester huge amounts of carbon in the soil. The 2018 U.S. Farm Bill includes the first-ever incentives for farmers to adopt practices aimed at improving soil health and sequestering carbon. But these initiatives are missing a key point: not all soil carbon is the same.
The very different lifetimes of particulate organic matter and mineral-associated organic matter have important implications for these efforts. For example, adding low-quality crop residues to agricultural fields would likely create more particulate organic matter than mineral-associated organic matter. This could increase soil carbon in the short term - but if that field later is disturbed by tilling, a lot of it would decompose and the benefit would be quickly reversed. The best practices focus on building up the mineral-associated organic matter for longer-term carbon storage, while also producing high-quality particulate organic matter with lots of nitrogen to help boost crop productivity.
Natural healthy soils show us that providing continuous and diverse plant inputs that reach all the way to deep soil is key for achieving both high mineral-associated organic matter storage and particulate organic matter recycling. There are many promising ways to do this, such as maintaining plant cover on fields year-round; growing diverse crops that include high-nitrogen legumes and perennials with deep roots; and minimizing tillage.
However, not all soils can accumulate both mineral-associated organic matter and particulate organic matter. Before implementing any management practices for carbon sequestration, participants should first assess the carbon storage potential of the local soil, much as a doctor studies a patient before prescribing a cure. Sequestering soil carbon effectively requires an understanding of how particulate organic matter and mineral-associated organic matter work, how human actions affect them, and how to build up both types to meet our planet’s climate and food security needs.
Q. Select the option whose meaning is opposite to the word 'accumulate'.
In a classroom, while reading the text a teacher is emphasizing pronouns, determiners, and conjunctions. It means she is focusing over:
Considering students' learning styles broadens the approaches taken to help language-related problems. An example of a learning style is
An individual with a learning disability is likely to
During classroom discussions, a teacher often pays more attention to boys than girls. This is an example of:
Which of the following words tell(s) us about the earlier action in the sentence?
Hirachand (A) told me what (B) had (C) happened.
The method of teaching in a large classroom should be chosen on the basis of:
Sometimes we use AD before dates. What does AD stands for?
Silent Valley, which has been raised to the status of National park, is situated in
Ashvaghosha, a poet who composed a biography of the Buddha, the Buddhacharita, lived in the court of which ruler?
When one particular image is fixed with an individual or group, it is known as
Consider the following statements about 'Diversity':
A) Songs and symbols that emerged during the freedom struggle reminds our country's rich tradition of respect for diversity.
B) India's National Anthem is another expression of the Unity of India.
C) In the book 'The Discovery of India', Nehru had said that Indian Unity is imposed from the outside.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
We are not crushed under the weight of atmosphere because the pressure inside our body is
The Great Bath structure was discovered in which city of Indus Valley Civilization?
Which one of the following is true about classical dances?
This will happen if the Earth's stops rotating.
Match the following with appropriate choices: