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UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Civil Engineering (CE) MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test UPPSC AE Civil Mock Test Series 2025 - UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 for Civil Engineering (CE) 2025 is part of UPPSC AE Civil Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Civil Engineering (CE) exam syllabus.The UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 MCQs are made for Civil Engineering (CE) 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 below.
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UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 1

‘हाथी की पीठ पर रखी जाने वाली चौकी ’ वाक्यांश के लिए सार्थक शब्द निम्नलिखित में से है-

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 1

हाथी की पीठ पर रखे जाने वाले- 'हौदा'


  • 'हौदा'; संज्ञा
    • हाथी की पीठ पर कसा जाने वाला आसन; अम्मारी।
  • अन्य विकल्प-
    • हौआ- असाधारण और डरावनी चीज़।
    • काठी- ऊँटों, घोड़ों आदि की पीठ पर कसने की जोन जिसमें नीचे की ओर काठ लगा रहता है।
    • पालकी- एक प्रसिद्ध सवारी जिसमें सवार आराम से बैठता या लेटता है और जिसे कहार या मज़दूर कंधे पर उठाकर एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर ले जाते हैं।

अन्य संबंधित बिंदु

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 2

वाक्यांशों और उनके लिए प्रयुक्त शब्दों के निम्नलिखित युग्मों में सही युग्म का चयन कीजिए।

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 2

लौटकर आया हुआ – प्रत्यागत यह युग्म यहाँ सत्य और उचित है, अन्य विकल्प असंगत है।

महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 3

अनेकार्थी शब्द 'अक्षर' का इनमें से एक अर्थ नहीं है

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 3

अनेकार्थी शब्द 'अक्षर' का इनमें से 'अंक' अर्थ नहीं है।
'अक्षर' शब्द के अन्य अर्थ:-

  • मोक्ष
  • वर्ण
  • हरुफ
  • अविनाशी

अन्य संबंधित बिंदु
अनेकार्थी शब्द:- ऐसे शब्द, जिनके अनेक अर्थ होते है, अनेकार्थी शब्द कहलाते है।

  • अंक शब्द के अन्य अर्थ:- गोद, चिह्न, संख्या, नाटक के अंक
UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 4

निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध वर्तनी वाला शब्द है

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 4

सही उत्तर 'अनुगृहीत' हैं।

  • दिए गए विकल्पों में 'अनुगृहीत' शुद्ध शब्द हैं।
  • अनुगृहीत का अर्थ: जिसे किसी का अनुग्रह प्राप्त हो।
  • जो शब्द हिंदी व्याकरण के नियमों को पूरा करते हुए वर्तनी की दृष्टि से सटीक हो, शुद्ध शब्द कहलाते है। उच्चारण से इनकी पुष्टि होती है।
  • अन्य सभी विकल्प अशुद्ध रूप में हैं।

कुछ अन्य शब्द:

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 5

'साझे की हाँड़ी चौराहे फूटी' कहावत का अर्थ है

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 5

सही उत्तर "जिम्मेदारी एक व्यक्ति की हो, अन्यथा कार्य बिगड़ जाता है" है।

  • 'साझे की हाँड़ी चौराहे फूटी' कहावत का अर्थ है, "जिम्मेदारी एक व्यक्ति की हो, अन्यथा कार्य बिगड़ जाता है।"
  • वाक्य प्रयोग- रमेश का अरुण के साथ मिलकर दुकान चलाना सम्भव नहीं है, क्योंकि साझे की हांडी चौराहे पर फूटती है।

अन्य विकल्प:

  • पाँव फूँक–फूँक कर रखना: सावधानी से कार्य करना
  • वाक्य प्रयोग-नया व्यापार शुरू किया है, फूंक-फूंक कर कदम रखना ताकि व्यापार में सफलता प्राप्त कर सको।
  • "सभी बिना जवाबदेही के कार्य करें तो सफलता हाथ लगती है।" और "भ्रमण पर जाने से कार्य बिगड़ जाता है।", किसी भी कहावत का अर्थ नहीं है

अन्य संबंधित बिंदु

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 6

'वह (व्यक्ति) जिसने संन्यास ग्रहण किया हो' - इस वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द है

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 6

सही उत्तर 'प्रव्रजित' है।
'वह (व्यक्ति) जिसने संन्यास ग्रहण किया हो' वाक्यांश के लिए सार्थक शब्द 'प्रव्रजित' है।
प्रशमित, प्रवजित और प्रव्राज किसी भी वाक्यांश का सार्थक शब्द नहीं है।
अन्य सार्थक शब्द:

अन्य संबंधित बिंदु
वाक्यांश- भाषा को सुंदर, आकर्षक और प्रभावशाली बनाने के लिए अनेक शब्दों के स्थान पर एक शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है तो वह वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द कहलाता है।

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 7

Which of the following is NOT a quality component?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 7

Garvin proposes eight critical dimensions or categories of quality that can serve as a framework for strategic analysis:

1) Performance:

  • Performance refers to a product's primary operating characteristics.
  • For an automobile, performance would include traits like acceleration, handling, cruising speed, and comfort.c

2) Features:

  • Features are usually the secondary aspects of performance.
  • the "bells and whistles" of products and services, those characteristics that supplement their basic functioning.

3) Reliability:

  • This dimension reflects the probability of a product malfunctioning or failing within a specified time period.
  • Among the most common measures of reliability are the meantime to first failure, the mean time between failures, and the failure rate per unit time.

4) Conformance:

  • Conformance is the degree to which a product's design and operating characteristics meet established standards.
  • The two most common measures of failure in conformance are defect rates in the factory and, once a product is in the hands of the customer, the incidence of service calls.

5) Durability:

  • A measure of product life, durability has both economic and technical dimensions.
  • Technically, durability can be defined as the amount of use one gets from a product before it deteriorates.

6) Serviceability:

  • Serviceability is speed, courtesy, competence, and ease of repair.

7) Aesthetics:

  • Aesthetics is a subjective dimension of quality.
  • How a product looks, feels, sounds, tastes, or smells is a matter of personal judgment and a reflection of individual preference.
  • On this dimension of quality, it may be difficult to please everyone

8) Perceived quality:

  • It must usually be inferred from various tangible and intangible aspects of the product.
  • In such circumstances, images, advertising, and brand names - inferences about quality rather than the reality itself - can be critical
UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 8

The forces represented in the given figure are called:

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 8


When two or more forces act on a body, they are said to form a system of forces.

  • Concurrent forces: The forces, that meet at one point, are known as concurrent forces. The concurrent forces may or may not be collinear.
  • When a number of non-parallel forces hold a rigid body in equilibrium, they must be concurrent forces.

Other Related Points

  • Coplanar forces: The forces, whose lines of action lie on the same plane, are known as coplanar forces.
  • Collinear forces: The forces, whose lines of action lie on the same line, are known as collinear forces.
  • Coplanar concurrent forces: The forces, that meet at one point and their lines of action also lie on the same plane, are known as coplanar concurrent forces.
  • Coplanar non-concurrent forces: The forces, that do not meet at one point, but their lines of action lie on the same plane, are known as coplanar non-concurrent forces.
  • Non-coplanar concurrent forces: The forces, that meet at one point, but their lines of action do not lie on the same plane, are known as non-coplanar concurrent forces.
  • Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces: The forces, which do not meet at one point and their lines of action do not lie on the same plane, are called non-coplanar non-concurrent forces.

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 9
Minimum nominal cover for designing RCC water tank is
Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 9

As per codal provisions of IS 3370:

  • The permeability of concrete must be the least so use the lesser value of the w/c ratio.
  • No porous aggregate should be used.
  • Part of the structure retaining liquid and enclosing space above liquid should be taken under server exposure conditions.
  • Maximum cement content is 400 kg/m3 to take care of the shrinkage effect.
  • Minimum cement content is 320 kg/m3.
  • Minimum grade of concrete is M30.
  • Maximum w/c ratio is 0.45.
  • Minimum nominal cover is 45 mm.
  • Maximum allowed crack width is 0.2 mm in LSM design.
  • To reduce cracking due to temperature, shrinkage, and moisture loss at an early stage of concrete, curing should be done for at least 14 days.
  • All the structures to be designed shall be designed for both empty and full conditions.
  • Cracking of concrete can be controlled to some extent by maintaining a slope filling rate of 1 m in 24 hours at the first time of filling.
  • The permissible stress of the material is as follows:

a) Mild Steel - 115 N/mm2 and HYSD bar – 130 N/mm2

b) Concrete

  • If the thickness is more than 200 mm, the reinforcement is provided in 2 layers, one on each face
  • Minimum steel is 0.64% and 0.35% of the surface zone for mild steel and HYSD respectively
  • The above percentage values can be reduced to 0.35% and 0.24% for tank with no dimension more than 15 m
UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 10
The live load for sloping roof with slope 15° where access is not provided to roof is taken as
Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 10


Live load:

As per IS: 875, Part 2 specifies the following Live loads:

For roof membrane sheets or purlins: 0.75 kN/m2 less 0.02 kN/m2 for every degree increase in slope over 10° subject to a minimum of 0.4 kN/m2.


Given data,

Access is not provided to the roof and the slope = 15°

So, in this case

The live load for the sloping roof is

LL = 0.75 – (15 – 10) × 0.02 = 0.65 kN/m2

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 11
The height of a retaining wall is 5.5 m. It is to be designed as
Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 11


Retaining wall:

  • A retaining wall or retaining structure is used for maintaining the ground surfaces at different elevations on either side of it.
  • Whenever embankments are involved in construction, retaining walls usually necessary.

Types of retaining wall:

  • Depending upon the mechanisms used to carry the earth's pressure, These are classified into the following types.
  1. Gravity retaining wall.
  2. Cantilever retaining wall.
  3. Butters wall.

Gravity retaining wall:

  • It is not used for heights of more than 3.0 m.
  • In it, the resistance to the earth's pressure is generated by the weight of the structure.

Cantilever retaining wall:

  • It is the most common type of retaining wall and its height ranges up to 10-25 feet (3 to 8m).
  • Counterfort retaining walls are economical for height over about 6 m.
  • A cantilever retaining wall resists the earth pressure horizontal & another, by the cantilever bending action.
UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 12

Which of the piles is used for compacting loose granular soil?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 12

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 13

A tensile load (P) acts on an axial member of length (l) and cross-sectional area (A) such that it undergoes extensions. If (E) is the elastic modulus the axial stiffness is :

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 13

Stiffness (k):
It is defined as the ability of the material to resist the deformation of an object.
Stiffness is also defined as the ratio of load applied to the deflection.

Deformation of axially loaded members:

The deformation of a structural member with known geometry and subjected to an axial load can be determined by the equation of the form,

The term AE/L is defined as the stiffness of the bar.
where AE = Axial rigidity and L = Length of member

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 14

Match the following.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 14

Types of beam connection: Two or more beams at a junction are connected each other using either flange or web clips.
Framed Connection: Framed connection are usually connected through web cleats only as shown in the figure below:

Stiffened and unstiffened beam seated connections are depicted in the figure below:

It can be clearly observed, the unstiffened connection requires flange cleat only, and an additional connecting member is used for stiffened connection.

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 15

What does item no 3 represents in the above given figure of construction of cavity walls?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 15

Wall Ties of the cavity wall:

  • Wall ties, sometimes called ‘brick ties’, are used in buildings with cavity walls.
  • They are used to join the two leaves of a cavity wall together, allowing the two parts to act as a homogeneous unit. Hidden from view after construction, wall ties play a vital role in ensuring the stability of a building. Insufficient or poorly installed wall ties can lead to severe structural issues, including damp penetration, masonry cracks or even the collapse of the outer masonry leaf.
  • Wall ties are manufactured from corrosion and fire-resistant materials and include a drip formation to prevent the passage of water to the inner leaf.

The various components of the cavity wall are:

  1. Inner Wall
  2. Outer Wall
  3. Wall Ties
  4. Wooden batten
  5. Batten lifting device

Other Related Points

  • Cavity walls are those which are constructed in a way that an empty space or cavity is left between the single wall.
  • They are also known as Hollow Walls. Cavity walls are two walls constructed as a single wall.
  • A little space is lifted between these two walls for insulation purposes. These two walls having little space between them for insulation purposes are known as leaves of the cavity wall.
  • The outer wall is called an external leaf, and the inner wall is called an internal leaf.
  • The empty space or cavity size should be between 4 to 10 cm. The internal and external leaves should have a 10 cm thickness.
  • These two leaves of cavity walls are interconnected by links or metal ties for a strong bond.
UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 16

Serviceability limit in Limit state method deals with which one of the following?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 16

Limit State Method:

  • Limit states are the acceptable limits for the safety and serviceability requirements of the structure before failure occurs.
  • The design of structures by this method will thus ensure that they will not reach limit states and will not become unfit for the use for which they are intended.
  • Limit State Design requires two principal criteria to be satisfied:

There are two limit states:
i) Limit state of collapse:

  • The limit state of collapse of the structure or part of the structure could be assessed from rupture of one or more critical sections and from buckling due to elastic or plastic instability or overturning.
  • The resistance to bending, shear, torsion and axial load at every section shall not be less than the appropriate values at that section produced by the most unfavorable combination of loads on the structures using the appropriate partial safety factors.

ii) Limit state of serviceability:

  • Limit state of serviceability of prestressed concrete should satisfy cracking, deflection, and maximum compression also.

  • The crack width & deflection should not exceed the permissible limit and the maximum compressive force also should not exceed the strength of concrete.

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 17

The unit of measurement of pointing in MKS is

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 17

Units of measurements:
The units of measurement are mainly categorized for their nature, shape, and size and for making payments to the contractor. IS-1200 specifies a standard method of measurement for Civil Engineering work. This helps to solve all ambiguities and disputes for making payment to the contractor.
The different forms of measurement units are as tabulated below:

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 18

Unit weight of common burnt clay bricks in kN/m3 ranges between

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 18

According to IS 875 PART 1: 1987, The unit weight of some common building materials is given below:

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 19

A solid round bar 3 m long and 5 cm in diameter is used as a strut with both ends hinged. If E = 2 × 105 N/mm2 crippling load is

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 19

The maximum load at which the column has a tendency to lateral displacement or buckling is known as buckling or crippling load. the load can be calculated by Euler's formula.
Euler's formula:

Where Pcr = Crippling load or Buckling load
E = Modulus of elasticity
I = Moment of Inertia

I = , for the circular column.
leff = Effective length
Given data:
Length of the bar (l) = 3 m or 3000 mm
Diameter of the bar (d) = 5 cm or 50 mm
Modulus elasticity (E) = 2× 105 N/mm2
Crippling load (Pcr) =?
Both ends are hinged, so effective length (leff) is equal to the length of the struct or bar (l).
Effective length (leff) = 3000 mm
All given values are put in above Euler's formula and calculate the crippling load.

Pcr = (6.0559 × 10¹¹)/(9 × 10⁶) N
Pcr = 67287.926 N
Pcr = 67.287 kN
Hence, the most appropriate answer is option 2.

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 20

If a particle is moving with simple harmonic motion, the velocity is _________ at the mean position.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 20

We know that for a particle undergoing SHM with an amplitude 'a', velocity 'v' and angular velocity 'ω'.
The velocity is given by:
v = ω √a2 - x2)
Where, x = Distance from its mean position
At mean position x = 0
So that,
v = ωa
Hence, If a particle is moving with simple harmonic motion, the velocity is maximum at the mean position.

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 21
The bond strength of concrete increases with
Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 21


Bond strength

The bond strength between reinforcement and concrete comes mainly from friction and adhesion.

The bond in reinforced concrete beams is the adhesive force developed between the concrete and steel bars embedded in concrete, which resists any force that tends to push or pull the bars.

It is given by,

Where, τbd is the bond strength and fck is the characteristic strength of concrete.

So, as the characteristic strength increases, the bond stress also increases.

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 22

The ratio of distance moved by effort to distance moved by load is called

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 22

Velocity Ratio (VR):
The velocity ratio (VR) of a machine is the ratio of the distance moved by the effort to the distance moved by the load.
V.R. = (Distance moved by effort)/(Distance moved by load)Other Related PointsMechanical Advantage (MA):Mechanical advantage is the advantage gained by the use of a machine in transmitting force. Or in other words, it is defined as the ratio of the load to the effort.
M.A. = (Load)/(Effort)

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 23

Lug angles are

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 23

Lug angle is small piece of angle used to connect outstand legs of the members to the gusset plate. The purpose of lug angle is to reduce the length of connection to the gusset plate and to reduce shear lag effect.

In the diagram total 8 number of bolts required for connection. If all the bolts are provided in the member only, then the length of the gusset plate would increase greatly. Instead 3 bolts are used on lug angle such that the length of the gusset plate reduced.

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 24

Which of the following statements are correct?

A. Direct cost increases with duration.

B. Direct cost decreases with duration.

C. Indirect cost increases with duration.

D. Indirect cost decreases with duration.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 24


Project Cost:

Total project cost is the sum of two separate costs:

(a) The direct cost for accomplishing the work, and

(b) The indirect cost related to the control or direction of that work, financial overhead, lost production, and the hike, etc.

Direct Project Cost:

​​​These include labour cost, material cost, equipment cost etc.

  • The direct cost curve, having many segments, thus falls with an increase in duration. However, the total indirect cost curve rises with the increase in duration.
  • The project has the highest cost corresponding to the crash duration and has a normal cost corresponding to the normal duration.

Indirect Project Cost:

  • Indirect costs on a project are those expenditures that cannot be apportioned or clearly allocated to the individual activities of a project but are assessed as a whole.
  • The indirect cost includes the expenditure related to administrative and establishment charges, overhead, supervision, expenditure on a central store organization, loss of revenue, lost profit, penalty, etc.
  • The indirect cost rises with increased duration, considering only overhead and supervision. It is represented by a straight line, with a slope equal to daily overhead.

So the correct answer is Option 4

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 25
As per IS : 2911 (Part III) the bulbs in piles can not be installed in _________ under water level.
Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 25


Under reamed piles:

  • A cast-in-situ concrete pile with such a widened bulb at the bottom, rendered either through cutting or scooping out all the soil or through other appropriate methods, is considered the Under-Reamed Pile. Under-Reamed Piles are often referred to as bored cast-in-situ concrete piles.
  • The Under-Reamed Piles Foundation is a response in areas whereby black cotton soil might eventually cause structural instability.
  • Hence under the water level, the bulbs in piles can not be installed in black cotton soil.

As per IS 2911: Part III (Some other recommendations)

  • The diameter of under-reamed piles may vary from 2 to 3 times the stem diameter depending upon the feasibility of construction. For Bored cast in situ under-reamed piles, the bulb diameter normally is 2.5 times while for compaction piles it is 2 times.
  • For piles up to 30 cm in diameter, the spacing of bulbs should not be greater than 1.5 times the diameter of the bulb. For piles of diameter greater than 30cm, spacing can be reduced to 1.25 times the stem diameter.
  • The topmost bulb should be at a minimum depth of 2 times the bulb diameter. In expansive soils, it should not be less than 1.75 m below ground level. The minimum clearance below the underside the of pile cap embedded in the ground and the bulb should be a minimum of 1.5 times the bulb diameter.

  • Under-reamed piles with more than two bulbs are not advisable without ensuring their feasibility in strata needing stabilization of boreholes by drilling mud. The number of bulbs in case of bored compaction piles should not exceed two in such strata.

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 26

Economic saving of time results by crashing

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 26

Crashing: It is a process in which project duration is reduced by deployment of some additional resources to either minimize the project’s cost, duration or to meet the customer’s need.
Reducing project duration by mean of additional resources can prove economical if strategically planned and implemented. To do so, we calculate the cost slope of each activity and start crashing activity with minimum cost slope lying on the critical path.
Critical Path ⇒ It is a path which leads to the maximum duration for completion of the project.
where, Cost Slope = (Crashing Cost - Normal Cost)/(Normal Time - Crashing Time)

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 27

In fireproof paints, the main constituent is:

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 27

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 28

The Y axis of centre of gravity of semicircular plate 1.32 m diameter from its base as shown in figure.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 28

Centre of Gravity:

Centre of gravity of a body is the point through which the whole weight of the body acts. A body is having only one centre of gravity for all positions of the body. It is represented by C.G or simply G.
Considering the strip parallel to X-axis

Area of strip, dA = 2x . dy
The distance of the C.G. of this area from the x-axis is y
∴ Moment of this area about the x-axis
= y. dA
= y. 2xdy
= 2xy dy ......................(i)
But, we know x2 + y2 = R2
∴ x2 = R2 - y2

or, x =

Substituting the above value of x in equation (i), we get
Moment of area dA about the x-axis,

= 2 . y . dy

The moment of total area A about the x-axis will be obtained by integrating the above equation from 0 to R.
∴ Moment of area A about x-axis


(∴ y varies from 0 to R)



Also the moment of total area A about x-axis = A × y̅

A = Total area of semi-circle = πR2/2 
y̅ = Distance of C.G of area A from x-axis
∴ Moment of total A about x-axis = πR2/2   × y̅ ..........(iii)
Equating the two values given by equations (ii) and (iii),
πR2/2 × y̅ = 2R3/3 
or y̅ = 2R3/3  x 2πR2
or y̅ = 4R/3π
Given that,
R = D/2 = 1.32/2 = 0.66
= 4E = R/3π 


= 0.28 m
So the correct answer is Option 3

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 29
For placing of concrete under water, which principal technique(s) is NOT used?
Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 29


Underwater concreting:

Special precautions need to be taken whenever the concrete is to be placed underwater.

Concreting Methods:

The following are the principal techniques that have been used for placing concrete underwater:

1. Placing in de-watered caissons or cofferdams

2. Tremie method

3. Bucket placing

4. Placing in bags

5. Prepacked concrete

So the correct answer is Option 1

Additional Information:

Packer's method:

  1. The packer test is a widely-used method to determine in-situ (i.e., in place) or localized hydraulic properties of formations, especially in boreholes intersecting various rock units or multiple water-bearing strata within an interbedded formation.
  2. Open-hole water levels and other forms of testing cannot provide the detailed aquifer hydraulic properties of individual horizons that can result from packer tests.
  3. A packer test isolates specific regions of a borehole using one or more inflatable or mechanical bladders on an apparatus called a packer system.

Tremie method:

  1. A tremie is a watertight pipe, usually of about 250 mm inside diameter (150 to 300 mm), with a conical hopper at its upper end above the water level.
  2. Underwater concreting using the tremie method is convenient for pouring large amounts of high-flowable concrete. The concrete is moved to the hopper by either pumping, belt conveyer, or skips.

Prepacked concrete:

Prepacked aggregate concrete (PAC) is a type of concrete that is placed in two stages where the coarse aggregates are first placed inside the formworks and then the grout is pumped from underneath through a manual pump.

Bucket placing:

The concrete is deposited underwater by a bottom-opening bucket. The buckets usually are fitted with a bottom roller or drop bottom gates. The bucket is filled with concrete and its top is covered with a gunny sack and lowered slowly.

UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 30

If 'Ib' is moment of inertia of the rolled beam section, 'Ap' is the area of cover plates in one flange and 'h' is the distance between the centroid of the top and bottom flange plates, moment of inertia of built up plate girder is given by

Detailed Solution for UPPSC AE Civil Paper 1 Mock Test - 2 - Question 30


Moment of inertia:

  1. Moment of inertia is defined as the quantity expressed by the body resisting angular acceleration, which is the sum of the product of every particle's mass with its square distance from the axis of rotation. Or in more simple terms, it can be described as a quantity that decides the amount of torque needed for a specific angular acceleration in a rotational axis. The moment of Inertia is also known as the angular mass or rotational inertia.
  2. The moment of inertia is usually specified with respect to a chosen axis of rotation. It mainly depends on the distribution of mass around an axis of rotation. MOI varies depending on the axis that is desired.

Which is given as:
I = ICG+Ar2
ICG = Moment of inertia about the center of gravityA = Area of Cross Section
r = Distance of its CG from the concerned axis

I = Ib + [Ap x (h/2)2  + I1] + [Ap x (h/2)2  + I2]

I = Ib + 2Ap (h/2)2  + I1 + I2


I1 and I2 are moment of inertia about the centroidal axis of the plate (1) and plate (2) respectively.

These values are given as:

I1 = and I2 =

Since t1 and t2 are small, t13 and t23 become even smaller, therefore I1 and I2 are generally neglected. So, the moment of inertia about the centroidal axis of the built-up plate grider is given as:

I = Ib + 2 [Ap (h/2)2  ]

So the correct answer is Option 2

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