In a system of units, the unit of mass, length and timeare 1 quintal, 1 km and 1 h, respectively. In this system1 N force will be equal to :
Torque is the rotational analogue of which one of thefollowing linear motions :
The dimensions of permittivity of free spaceand E = electric field) are :
The van der Waals' equation for a gas is :
Where P,V,R,T and n represent the pressure, volume,universal gas constant, absolute temperature and thenumber of moles of a gas, respectively, 'a' and 'b' arethe constants. The ratio b/a will have the followingdimensional formula :
A gas bubble from an explosion under water oscillateswith a period proportional to PadbEc where P is the staticpressure, d is the density of water and E is the energyof explosion. Then a,b and c are :
The quantity X is given by where 0 e is thepermitivity of free space, L is a length, ΔV is a potentialdifference and Δt is a time interval. The dimensionalformula for X is same as that of :
Dimensions of ,where symbols have their usualmeanings, are :
Which one of the following represents the correctdimensions of the coefficient of viscosity?
If the units of mass, length and time are doubled, unit of angular momentum will be :
A new system of units is evolved in which the values ofμ0 and e0 are 2 and 8 respectively, The speed of light inthis system will be :
The dimensions of velocity gradient (Δu / Δz) are :
An athletic's coach told him that muscle times speedequals power. What dimensions does he view formuscle?
The torque (t ) is given by :wwhere I = moment of inertia, ω =angular velocity thendimensions of B are :
With the usual notation, the following equation, said togive distance covered in nth second, i.e.,
If length of pendulum is increased by 2%. The time period will
If units of length and force are increased 4 times, theunit of energy :