A observer is standing 10 m from a road on which a vehicle is approaching him at a speed of 96 /hr when the vehicle is 50 m away from him, it blows a horn of frequency 8000 Hz what will be the frequency observed by the observer?
Consider a pipe 12 cm in length. Find by how much percentage does the fundamental frequency change when the pipe which was originally open at both ends is now closed from one side.
In extremely, cold places, the temperatures are slow that it effects the speed of sound in air. On a day with temperature -35°C, a source emits sound at a frequency of 1050 Hz & moves away from an observer at 25 m/s, the frequency that the observer measures is 97141 Hz. Find the speed of sound (in m/s).
An organ pipe, closed at one and open at the other, is designed to have a fundamental frequency of c( 131 Hz) what is the frequency of the next higher harmonic for this pipe?
At 20°C, a pipe open at both ends resonates at a frequency of 440 Hz. At what frequency does the same pipe resonate on a cold day when the speed of sounds is 3 percent lower than it would be at 20°C
The equation of a wave traveling on a string is . If x and y are in cm, then velocity of wave is ________ (in cm/s).
A distant galaxy is observed to have its hydrogen-β line shifted to a wavelength of 580 nm find the approximate velocity of recession of the distant galaxy in unit of 108 m/s
Sound wave moving at 350 m/s difference out of a speaker enclosure with an opening that is a long rectangular slit 0.14m across. At about what frequency will the sound first disappear at an angle of 45° from the normal to the speaker face?
A source is emitting sound with frequency 4371 Hz. Find the magnitude of difference of the two velocities with which the observer must move to observe a frequency that is 20% higher and 20% lower than the actual frequency (in m/s).
During a Hurricane, a 1200 Hz warning siren in the town hall sounds the wind is blowing at 55 m/s in a direction from the siren towards a person 1 km away. With what frequency does the sound wave reach the person. The speed of sound in air in 330 m/s. Write in Rounded Figure.