The Imperial Forest Research Institute was set up in :
This river ____________ flows through Bastar.
Fee paid by people from one village to another
The Forest Act meant severe hardship for the villagers across the country, because:
When did the first rebellion take place in Bastar ?
The Imperial Forest Research Institute was set up in :
Why does the story of the forests and people of Bastar not end with the rebellion of 1910 ?
Which of the following problems were faced by the people of Bastar under the colonial government ?
How much part of India's land mass was under cultivation in 1600 AD ?
What was the ‘scorched earth’ policy followed by the Dutch in Java during the First and the Second World Wars ?
What was the policy followed by the British in India towards forests during the First and the Second World Wars ?
Which plantation was the most important during the colonial period ?
Out of three categories, which forests were regarded as the best ?
The new forest laws changed the lives of forest dwellers in yet another way. What was it ?
Large areas of natural forests were also cleared to make way for which of these ?
Which of these trade regulations in colonial India had serious effects on pastoralist and nomadic communities ?
Why did the cultivated area in India rise between 1880 and 1920?
The disapperance of forests is referred to as -
Who was the first Inspector General of forest in India -
When was the Indian Forest Service setup ?
Which Kingdom of Java spilt into two kingdoms ?
Where was the Imperial Forest Research Institute setup in India ?
When did Surontiko Samin start a movement against state outership of forest ?
Under which forest act, forest was divided into three categories ?
Gundadhar was an inhabitant of ....... village -
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