What are the essential prime implicants of following Boolean function x'z + y`z + xz'
Consider a multiplexer with X &Y as data inputs and z as a control pin. If Z = 0, selects input X and Z = I , selects input Y what are the connections required to realize the 2 - variable Boolean functions f T R
A combinational circuit, using 8 x 1 MUX is shown in figure. The minimized expression for output Z is
The Minimal Product of sums function described by k-Map, shown in figure is
The output of an AND gate with three inputs, A, B, and C, is HIGH when ________.
The digital circuit using two inverters shown in figure will acts as
If 2's complement representation of a 16-bit number (one-sign bit and 15 Magnitude bits) is FFFF, then its magnitude in decimal representation is ____
The initial state of MOD — 16, down counter is 0110. What state will be it be after 37 clock pulses??
In the given figure shows a negative logic AND gate. If positive logic is used this gate is equivalent to
An 8085 Microprocessor based system uses a 4 k x 8 bit RAM whose starting address is AAOOH. The address of last byte in this RAM is
A. ROM is interfaced to an 8085 CPU as indicated in figure, shown, what is address range occupied by ROM is
112 4-bit 2's complement no's 1011 and 0110 are added, then result expressed in 2's complementnotation is