A Δ -ΔT/F having rating 132KV/66KV, 50 MVA, the base impedance on primary side
The impedance of a Δ- Y 11000/400V 3-ΔT/F of capacity 100 KVA as on its name plate as z = (0.02 + j0.07) pu. The ohmic impedance in Ωreferred to primary (11000 V) side
An equipment has an impedance of 0.9 p.u. to a base of 20 MVA, 33 kV. To the base of 50 MVA, 11 kV, the p.u. impedance will be
The sequence voltage of a 3φ system is given as
0.87 pu = Va1
-0.33 pu = Va0
-0.54 pu = Va2
What is the phase voltages on 11KV
An unsymmetrical fault on a transmission line gives the sequence voltage and sequence current
Va1 = 0.837 pu
Va2 = -0.45 pu
Va0 = -0.2 pu
and sequence current I1 = I2 = I0 = -j1.2 pu. What is the type of the fault.
|V1| = |V2| =1pu , what is the maximum power flow in this Network.
In which of the following condition the system is stable (ω is speed)
An alternator having E = 1.2 pu connected to ∞ bus through a power network. The transfer reactance between alternator and ∞ bus before fault, during fault, and after clearing fault are X1 = 0.5, X2 = 2.0, X3 = 1.5 pu. If initially Pm0 = Peo = 1 pu then what is δcr made by rotor such that system is stable?
A 50 bus system with 200 transmission line. How many zeroes are in Y bus matrix.
For a 3 bus network
a shunt capacitor of -j0.5 is added at 2nd bus, Y22 new = ?
A Network having postive, negative and zero sequence bus impedance matrix as
what is the LG fault current at bus 2 with zf = j0.1 pu. Pre-fault voltage at bus 2 is 1.05 pu
A 3φ load of 50 MW, 0.6 pf, is operating at 33KV, what is capacitance per phase required by the capacitor bank connected in Δ to improve pf to 0.8 lag.
A Network containing 20 voltage controlled bus, 10 reactive power support bus, a generator bus, 5 fixed shunt capacitance bus, total voltage controlled bus is
A transmission line of length 300 km operating at 50Hz, the receiving end voltage under no load VS = 1pu is
A transmission line of length 600km, has a phase shift in degree of
A generator having H = 6 MJ/MVA is connected to generator having H = 4 MJ/MVA. A fault reduce the pr. out put to 0.6 pu which was initially 1 pu. Find angular acceleration in elect degree/S2
A transmission line has impedance (3 + j4) Ω/phase. The power factor of the load for maximum V.R.
A 3φ transmission line has ABCD parameters as A= 0.75 ∠0° = D, B = 100∠90°Ω, C = 0.5 x 10-6 ∠90° ℧ operating at Vs = 200 KV, VR at no load, and shunt reactor for compensating Ferranti-effect
In previous question, the charging current at no load is_____
A TL has zS = 400Ω is terminated with a cable with zL = 50Ω. A rectangular pulse of 100KV is travelling towards the cable. The transmitted volt will be
A 3φ transmission line having a surge impedance of 400Ω is operating at 400 KV line is compensated with 30% of shunt capacitor at the load end. The other end is connected to a generator which is delivering power at 200 MW. SIL of the above system is
A TL supported by 3 insulation disc, the maximum voltage of each disc is 25 KV. Find the operating voltage per phase of the line given efficiency η = 78%
25 docs|247 tests
25 docs|247 tests