Who is known as 'Man of Blood and Iron'?
Who revolted in 1830 and set up an independent nation?
Find out the wrong statement about Giuseppe Mazzini?
The Congress of Vienna placed ______ on the throne.
Suffrage means the right to ______.
The 'Blood and Iron' policy was advocated by ___________.
In which year did Germany’s unification take place?
Napoleonic code did away with the privileges based on
Who played a vital role in the unification of the German Empire?
Which of the following is true concerning Romanticism?
Which one of the following was NOT implemented under the Treaty of Vienna of 1815?
In _______ half the population spoke Magyar.
Who were bound to the land of a particular lord and could not migrate with his landlord’s wills
What was the main reason for the revolutions in Europe in 1848?
Which of the following best explains the role of culture in the rise of nationalism in 19th-century Europe?
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