Based on the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
Which of the following are the advantages of Waste Heat Recovery as implied by the passage?
Select the correct answer using the code below.
Consider the following equation.
[(4/5) of (4/5) ÷ (4/5)] / [(4/5) ÷ (4/5) of (4/5)]
What outcome will we get after solving the above equation?
Consider the statements and conclusions given below.
Statement 1: If 45% of a number A is added to another number B, the sum becomes 125% of the value of B.
Statement 2: If 20% of a number A is added to another number C, the sum becomes 125% of the value of C.
Conclusion 1: C is greater than A, but less than B.
Conclusion 2: A is less than B, but greater than C.
Which of the above conclusions is/are correct?
Select the letter-cluster that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
If 9 + 6 = 135, 13 + 7 = 260, 7 + 12 = 133, 10 + 11 = 210, then 18 + 15 = ?
Aman went to a retail shop to buy a pair of shoes, which showcases various brands like Nike, Puma, Campus, Reebok, and Bata. Puma, Reebok, Nike shoes are expensive, while Campus, and Bata are cheap in rate.
Campus, Puma and Bata shoes are black in colour, while rest are blue in colour. Puma, Campus, and Nike are sport shoes, while rest are casual shoes. Aman selected an expensive black sport shoes.
Which brand of shoes did he pick up?
Two statements S1 and S2 are given below followed by a Question:
S1: The sum of the digits of n is divisible by 3.
S2: The difference between the last two digits of n is divisible by 3.
Q: Is the integer n divisible by 3?
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above Statements and the Question?
Find the missing letters in the following series.
A, P, E, S, I, Y, O, H, ?, ?
In a school, 37.5% of the students are girls and rest are boys. If 80% of the girls and 70% of the boys participated in annual sports of the school, what percent of the total number of students in the school did not participate in that event?
M = 32y + 20y, where y is an odd natural number. Which of the following need not be a factor of M?
What will be the remainder if 468 is divided by 192?
A box contains 15 apples, out of which 5 are rotten. 4 apples are drawn from the box at random (one by one without replacement).
What is the probability that all 4 of them are rotten?
If the diagonal of a square becomes half, the area of that square reduces by how much percentage?
Which one of the following statements best reflects the critical message conveyed by the passage given above?
Which of the following is/are the most rational and logical inference/inferences that can be made from the passage?
Select the correct answer from the code given below.
Which of the following is/are the most rational and logical inference/inferences that can be made from the passage?
Select the correct answer from the code given below.
Which one of the following statements best reflects the message of the author of the passage?
A person travels across the international date line from west to east and gains a day. If the person initiated the journey at 5 P.M. on 1st May, then on which date and at what time will he reach his destination if the whole journey took him 9 hours?
Two statements followed by two conclusions are given below. You have to take the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows/follow from the statements, disregarding the commonly known facts.
Statement 1: Only a few cities are metros.
Statement 2: Some metros are capitals.
I. No capital is a city.
II. Some cities are capitals.
Find the average of the number of different flowers used by the event management company in the month of March.
Which of the following statements cannot be concluded on the basis of the information provided in the question?
How many employees have a salary higher than that of C?
Which of the following attributes can be associated with the Raman Effect?
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Which of the statements given below can be inferred from the above passage?
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Which of the following can be attributed to “Cultural Burns”?
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
With reference to the above passage, consider the following statements.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
What is the sum of all the 3-digit numbers that leave a remainder of 5 when divided by 7?
Two men are sitting in their cars at the two opposite ends of a 315 metres long bridge. If they start driving towards each other at a speed of 36 km/hr and 45 km/hr respectively, then in how much time will they meet each other?
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