Which of the following is the perfect set of operators that can’t be overloaded in CPP ?
How can we restrict dynamic allocation of objects of a class using new?
In case of operator overloading, operator function must be ______ .
1. Static member functions
2. Non- static member functions
3. Friend Functions
Which of the following operators are overloaded by default by the compiler in every user defined classes even if user has not written?
(1) Comparison Operator ( == )
(2) Assignment Operator ( = )
How does C++ compiler differs between overloaded postfix and prefix operators?
Which of the following manipulator is used for the representing octal equivalent of a given decimal number?
Using friend operator function, following perfect set of operators may not be overloaded.
In case of binary operator overloading with member function, which of following statement should be taken into consideration?
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