The Olympic Flame, was, for the first time, ceremonially lighted and burnt in a giant torch at the entrance of the stadium at
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The reaction which converts sugar solution into alcohol is an example of
The number of already named bones in the human skeleton is
The Scottish bacteriologist who discovered penicillin was
The purpose of United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) is
The National Sports Festival for women was, for the first time, organized in
The official working languages recognised by the UNO are
The Secretary-General is required to submit an annual report on the work of the UN to
The SLV-3 project provided India with the expertise to lop a larger and more sophisticated launch vehicle
The site of the third oldest civilisation after the Sumerian and Egyption, Mohenjo-daro, was Built in
The saffron colour in the national flag signifies
The official languages of the United Nations are
The news agency Reuters belongs to which of the following country?
The sacred place of the followers of Shintoism is
The parts of the Mahabharata which include Bhagawad Gita, is
The restoration o the Olympic Games at the end of the last century was at the initiative of a/an
The ruling party of Singapore, where no opposition parties are allowed is called
The Prize that is awarded every two years to people who have worded for "Freedom of speech", is
The origin of modern badminton is attributed to
The SAF (South Asian Federation) Game, as a part of the SAARC programme, was first held in
The Pilotless target aircraft, fabricated at the Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore, is
157 videos|263 tests
157 videos|263 tests