The Karnaugh map for the Boolean function F of 4 Boolean variables is given in Figure. A, B, C are don't care conditions. What values of A, B, C will result in the minimal expression?
Let f(A, B) = then simplified from of the function
Consider the circuit-shown below. Each of the control inputs, C0 through C3, must be tied to a constant, either ‘0’ or '1'.
What are the values of C0 through C3 that would cause F to be the exclusive OR of A and B?
Write the minimized expression of the function of three variables that is 1 if the third variable is equal to the OR of the first two variable, 0 otherwise
Which of the following functions implements the Karnaugh map shown below?
The Boolean expression for the shaded area in the given Venn diagram is
The Boolean expression is a simplified version of expression:
Then which of the following choice is correct:
1. Don’t care conditions don’t exist.
2. Don’t care conditions exist.
3. D (16, 18, 20, 23, 27, 29) is the set of don’t care conditions.
4. D (16, 20, 22, 27, 29) is the set of don’t care conditions.
The logical expression for K-Map shown above is:
The Boolean expression for the shaded area in the Venn diagram is
Consider, a four variable Boolean function, which contains half the number of minterms with odd number of 1 ’s. Then the Boolean can be realized with variables A, B, C, D as:
An X-Y flip-flop, whose characteristic table is given below, is to be implemented using a JK flip-flop. This can be done by making
For what logic gate, the output is complement of the input?
55 docs|215 tests
55 docs|215 tests