The matrix has one eigenvalue equal to 3. The sum of the other two eigenvalues is
What is the determinant of matrix X if 4 and (2 + 7i) are the eigenvalues of X where i = √−1?
In the given matrix one of the eigenvalues is 1. The eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalue 1 are
Which of the below-given statements is/are true?
I. The eigenvalue of the lower triangular matrix is just the diagonal elements of the matrix.
II. The product of the eigenvalue of a matrix is equal to its trace.
III. If 1/λ is an eigenvalue of A’(inverse of A) then orthogonal of A also have 1/λ as its eigenvalue.
Consider the following 2 × 2 matrix A where two elements are unknown and are marked by a and b. The eigenvalues of this matrix are - 1 and 7. What are the values of a and b?
Let A be the 2 X 2 matrix with elements a11 = 2, a12 = 3, a21 = 1 and a22 = 4 then the Characteristic Equation:?
The latent values of the matrix
are 1, 1, 2 and the number of linearly independent latent vectors for the repeated root 1 is –
Consider a Matrix M = uTvT where u = (112) and v = also uT denotes the transpose of matrix u. Find the largest eigenvalue of M?
What is the absolute difference of the eigenvalues for the matrix ad – bc = 6 and a + d = 7?
Consider the matrix which one of the following statements is TRUE for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix?
55 docs|215 tests
55 docs|215 tests