Due to excessive cutting of trees and cleaning of forest to accommodate growing populations increased demand of food and accommodation, which of the following will result
(i) Soil erosion
(ii) Animal extinction
(iii) Global warming
(iv) Loss of medicinal plants
A particular community is exposed excessive noise pollution, what will be result after some times to members of the community
Harish is a nature lover. He always wants to act in an eco-friendly way whereas his brother is opposite to him. His brother always throws daily wastes and garbage in open vacant space. What advice Harish should give to his brother to minimize the pollution
Find the substance which is not placed in proper table given below.
Which scale used to measure the, intensity of earthquake?
Karnataka state suffered draught for three consecutive years. What will be the condition of water table in the state?
Rain water harvesting is the solution of water problem. In this method
The persons who are involved in study of earthquake are called
Status of bacterial count, oxygen level, no of area plant and animals given below of four river side cities. Which of them situated near an unpolluted river, on the basis of the given data
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