Which among the following molecule is not a dipole?
What is the dimension of the dipole moment?
Dipole moment depends on _______
An electric dipole is placed inside a cube. What will be the nature of electric flux from the cube surface?
If an electric dipole is placed in a uniform electric field ______ will act on the dipole.
If an electric dipole is placed in a non-uniform electric field ______ will act on the dipole.
An electric dipole will be in stable equilibrium if the angle between the axis of the dipole and the electric field is ________
If a non-polar substance is placed in an electric field, what will happen?
1uC and -1uC are placed at a distance of 5 cm forming a dipole. What is the amount of torque required to place the dipole perpendicularly to an electric field of 3*105 N/C?
If the force acting on a point charge kept on the axis of an electric dipole is F, what will be the amount of force if the distance of the point charge is doubled from the dipole?
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